A Month Later

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"Ugh." I groaned threw up into the toilet one last time.

"Sweetheart, are you okay?" My dad asks from the other side of the door.

"I'm fine." I breathed. He comes in and saw me crouched over the toilet.

"Okay you're staying home today." He says sternly.

"Dad I'm okay, I can go to school." I said getting up and walking over to the sink so I can brush my teeth.

"I've been hearing you going back and forth for the last hour vomiting, you're not getting others sick." He says strictly.

"Fine." I grumbled spitting toothpaste in the sink.

"Now put your pajamas on and get back in the bed and I'll call in to work then bring you up some soup." He sighs.

"No dad, I'm old enough to treat my own sicknesses go to work, I'll be fine." I said putting my toothbrush away.

"Are you sure?" He asks sounding unsure.

"Yes I'm sure daddy, now go to work." I said shooing him out my bathroom.

"Okay fine, I love you. Call me if you need anything call me." He kisses my forehead before he leaves.

I walked downstairs still in my clothes. I heard my phone beep on the counter and it was telling me how it's been almost four weeks since my last period. I swear my heart is literally about to leap out my chest. I'm super late on my period. It's not like it's a couple days late, it's basically for four weeks late. That has never in my whole life happened to me. Me and Devin have literally been having sex whenever we get the chance and not once did we use protection. 

How can we be so stupid?

I was thinking, trying to make this thought sound impossible.

I then remembered there's a CVS around the corner of my house.

This was good enough so I just started running down my block until I got to CVS.

I went down the aisle I really didn't want to go down.

I picked up about six different pregnancy tests boxes. I went to the cashier and dropped them up on the counter. 

She was a middle-aged lady giving me disapproving looks. 

"You should be ashamed in yourself." She snaps as she rings up the pregnancy tests. 

"Listen can you just tell me my total, I don't need your input." I not even in the mood for this. 

"You are a rude young lady." She says as she rings up the last box. 

"And you are a very rude cashier." I said back glaring at her. 

"$50.96." She says with a glare. 

I threw the cash on the counter and stalked out the store after calling her a miserable old bitch. Who does she think she is? She can't judge me and she don't even know me.

I got back to my house and ran upstairs and opened all the boxes. 

I peed on the stick out each box and waited for three minutes nervous as hell. I'm hoping I'm just paranoid. The timer went off and I jumped scared. I picked the test and two pink lines were on the test.  That's when I broke down crying on the bathroom floor once I realized they were all positive. I have so much life ahead of me, I can't be a mom and Devin sure as hell can't be a dad.

I sat there clutching my knees to my chest for I don't know how long. I finally worked up the courage to stand up and look myself in the mirror. My eyes were bloodshot, my nose was like Rudolph the red nose reindeer and my cheeks were stained with tears.

One Party, One Drink, One Boy, One Mistake (Teenage Pregnancy) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now