Showering the Baby

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*5 Days Later*

"Babe wake up." Devin said shaking me. 

"Devin I'm pregnant and I'm exhausted all the time, I need my sleep and I can't get that sleep with you waking me up." I stopped and looked at the clock. "Seven in the fucking morning." I snapped. 

"Babe calm down, go shower." He says pulling the sheets off of me obviously not hearing me.

I groaned irritated with him. I went to the bathroom and slammed the door. I brushed my teeth and then climbed into the shower. I scrubbed everywhere. I walked out the bathroom with a towel around me. I walked to my closet and picked out a pair of maternal flared jeans, a cute loose fitting black shirt with a thin silver belt at the top of my baby bump, a gray loose fitting cardigan, and beige flats. I curled my hair and looked at myself in the mirror. I look down at my bulging stomach and literally said "get out of me."

I walk out the bedroom and down into the kitchen. 

"Hey sweetie." Mom said coming over to kiss my cheek. 

"Hi mom." I mumbled. 

Mom furrowed her brow and grabbed my hand and was dragging me. We finally arrive to our destination which was the backyard. We sat on the bench swing on our patio. 

"Sweetheart what's wrong?" She questions turning her body so she can face me. 

"Nothing mom." I sigh. She gives me a certain look that used to scare me when I was a kid. 

"This pregnancy is what's wrong, people are always saying how pregnancy is a beautiful thing, well those people are wrong, there is nothing beautiful about pregnancy, you're always hungry, moody, gassy, and exhausted...always." I paused. "I just want these twins out of me, I feel like crap all the time, people are always giving me looks but I don't care about that, I hate that my boobs has gotten bigger and they hurt all the time, pregnancy is just a terrible thing us women have to go through, and what do men do nothing, just stand by and watch us suffer, they don't do nothing, we get periods, shaving our legs and underarms and most important our vaginas, worrying about our weight, if we're pretty or not, getting our hair done, we do all this stuff for them, and the only thing they have to worry about is puberty." I sob falling into my mom's arm. She rubs my hair soothingly. 

"Sweetie its fine, now calm down." She whispers. 

"Calm down, how can I calm down?" I sob even more. 

"Just take a deep breath." She says forcing me to sit up. 

"Breathe in and breathe out." She coaches me. 

I do as she says and works, kind of. I wipe away the remaining tears and look at her. She's smiling. 

"Thanks mom, I love you." I said hugging her. 

"Love you to." She whispers. We walk back into the house laughing. 

"You okay?" Devin asks me since he clearly seen I have been crying. 

"Yeah." I mumbled smiling. 

"Well okay then, did you eat?" He questions me. 

I shook my head. 

"Then sit down and eat." He says sternly. 

"Good job son." My dad says patting him on the back. 

"Bossy." I murmured as I walked on into the kitchen. I poured myself a bowl of lucky charms.

I sat at the table and ate in silence. When I was finished I placed my bowl in the sink.

Devin came over and grabbed my hand dragging me out the house and to the car. He opens the passenger side of the car. 

One Party, One Drink, One Boy, One Mistake (Teenage Pregnancy) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now