Chapter Twenty-One

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Living with my uncles and grandmother I picked up on some Portuguese phrases. Especially since my grandmother forgets she's not speaking in English some of the time. She insisted I should call her Avó which mean grandmother in Portuguese and she calls me neta which means granddaughter. Not to mention living with cousins.

When I finally able to meet my cousins face to face in real life it brought tears to my eyes. Considering how many hours we spent video chatting I felt like I've known them for years.

Gabriela really likes the outdoors she she's more of a free adventure Sprite type of person so the day after she came she literally dragged me and Aline outside with her for window shopping something about getting her creative vibe on, but we didn't really do much window shopping because Aline ended up playing a song at a café after meeting some of his internet fans it somehow ended up turning into a meet and greet.

"Aziza?" Someone behind me called out while Gabriela and I were listening to Aline I turned around to see Daniel's mother and Aunt sitting together.

"Umm hi, how are you." I greeted her standing up. Gabriela looked back and forth between me and them.

"We are good how have you been? Who is this young lady she looks very familiar." His aunt asked

"Gabriela Vivian you two must be Azi's in laws." Gabby answered

"Oh you are Leonardo's niece! I thought you were still in Brazil. Come sit with us. Is that your brother over there playing?" His aunt ushered us closer so we ended up sitting with them at their table.

"Yes and thank you." Gabby smiled at her looking over at Daniels mom to catch a reaction.

"He's good he has a wonderful voice. So tell me how do you two know each other. Did Leonardo introduce you guys. Are you staying together?"

"What yeah I guess he did introduced us. We're all staying together at his villa at the moment."

"Wow you guys are?" I wasn't sure If I misread her tone but she seemed to be suggesting something

"Anna can you and Gabriela excuse us for a moment.

"So what did you want to talk about

"It really nice to see that your doing fine now."

"How is Daniel doing?"

"He's pulling through, Still recovering. I heard that the ... The stalker... The person who hit Daniel hasn't been caught yet."

"Not yet the police are still trying to find her?"

"I need you to stay away from Daniel

"I am staying away from him at the moment until they catch him her."

"No what I mean is really stay away from him. He's emotionally unstable now."

"Is it because someone told him I died in a tragic accident?"

"No. No. No. No one told him that... He just assumed that on his own."

"Assumed that on his own? You've got to be kidding me."

"Daniel went through too many traumatic events he's in a fragile state. He's not safe when you are around him. You love Daniel don't you?"

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