Chapter-5, I wander Lonely As A Cloud

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(not edited)

I was slightly taken aback by her sweet gesture; it was the last thing I expected here. "Maria..." I murmured. I was not sure but I think it felt warm. Suddenly the beeping caught my attention and I rushed to Alfred's bed. "Alfred?" I called out hoping he would hear, by god's grace, his eyes fluttered open, and I smiled at him. It was natural, like an instinct. Maria was at back chanting something, probably thanking the Moon Goddess. He opened his eyes and looked at me with sheer disbelief, "Vero? Is it really you?" His voice was hoarse; but his face full of brightness. I asked Maria to pick him up and made him drink a glass of water. Medications must have dried up his throat. After three glass of water, his trembling hands touched the glass indicating it was enough. I put down the glass on the side table and picked up the bag. "I will give you two a time alone," I said and headed towards the door. "Wait up Vero!" I flinched at the nickname. "My name is Veronica, Alfred and I don't think we have anything left to talk about." I heard Raven whimpering in my mind, 'it hurts, Veronica, please head out now for my sake, at least.' My top priority is Raven right now; we have been watching each other's back for so long that if one breaks other will break down too.' I know, Raven, bear it for a while.' "Please, Vero, It's been a while." I could hear the hurt in his voice, but that cracked me up even more, "Ten years, Alfred, it's definitely not 'a while'" I twisted the door knob and headed out. Alfred was once like my elder brother. We had the same mentor, my mother. He was a very capable man. He absorbed knowledge like a sponge sucking it like a damn sponge and was curious for more. I definitely thought with the kind of knowledge he possessed, he would definitely be the next Pack doctor, which is a matter of fact meant so much to both of us. But at the end I was chosen as the pack doctor, though due to my age Alfred was given the post for 2 years until I become an adult. I thought that after this decision, he would come to hate me, but he was too good a person for that. He didn't change until that happened. I sighed as I remembered him as he was once, I should find Alpha and Luna and update them about Alfred. They said they will be in their quarters. I hope they aren't busy. As I walked, I couldn't help and observe that the infrastructure has changed, for the better. I like how my shoes sound against the wooden flooring. I should get this for my clinic. 'Not a great idea, the children and pets will run around and create noise and we have sensitive ears.' Aye, aye captain! I chuckled. I can feel Raven is happy. Well being away from the pack did take a toll on her. She was lonely. I had humans to mingle with but she didn't, apart from me. We did run in the nearby forest to let her out and feel free that too without coming in notice because according to Raven it was thrilling! Okay back to the problem, I thought I knew where the quarters were but unfortunately I am wrong. I try to sniff out their senses but no use there are too many scents here. What should I do now? 'You can't just knock the door and ask initially sleeping people about the Alpha. It will freak them out; after all you are a stranger now." Raven's becoming emotional now, her voice is cracking up. I should wrap it up quickly or else it will be difficult for us to move out. 'Raven, will you be able to keep the leash?' then I was met with silence. She needs time to hold it all in I guess. I walked in the never-ending corridor which was decorated with the portraits of Alphas, Lunas, Betas, Gammas and their female counterparts, legacy wise, like you see in your history books. I wonder how they got those photographs. I stopped at the last portrait. It was them. I came near it. I could still hear their voices as if it just happened yesterday. It took so many years to quiet down the rattle of betrayals. But now they were back again.

Automatically my hands traced Alpha's face, "I hereby held Veronica Roselle Woods guilty and wish to have her banished from our pack." My hands then scooted over Jared's face, "Only she is the one who could have done it. I second Alpha's decision." Then I traced Chelsea's, "I don't know, Jared, I simply don't" I smiled as I remember her hesitant face with tears pooling up in her eyes, I traced Luna's face, tears threatening to spill, "Why Vero?"My fingers then brushed past Blake and a tear drops fell from my eyes, "As a Beta and your friend I am disappointed in you, Veronica."

The good dreams are forgotten as soon you wake up; the nightmares live forever, don't they? Footsteps echoed in the hall and suddenly the hall was filled by a distinct smell, I couldn't pin point but it was different. Oh no! It can't be. I was assured when Raven whispered 'Mate...'

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