Even After All This Time

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(not edited) 


He was the last person I wanted to meet. Scratch that I didn't want to meet him in the first place. I once respected that man for his justice but came to detest him for the same. He has become stronger. I could sense it from his aura or whatever you call it. His blonde army cut made him look lethal and his blue eyes shone in the dark as they stared at me in disbelief. He didn't look a day older same sculpted body. I hate macho men, no reason just I do. But right now my priority was to not involve other in this and not to make the commotion again. "Nurse I apologize but could you look at the patient for me for the time being. I'll be back in a minute." I could see the curiosity rising in her eyes but she soon masked it up and nodded, quite professional. I wasn't expecting the Alpha to understand but to my relief he did and walked out of the room. I picked up my bag from the corner, took one last glance of Alfred and marched outward. Just as I opened the door I met a sobbing woman "how is he?" she asked, her dark hair cascading her face and eyes welled up. "He is out of danger now. But it will all be confirmed once he's conscious. She seemed familiar and beautiful. Maybe I know her? 'That's stupid. We have never met Alfred's mate. We still have Alpha to deal with, Veronica'. I looked at Luna to give her a reassuring smile and she smiled at me and as if understanding my silent clue, rushed to Alpha to update him about the situation. From his expressions, it seems he didn't know of 'the invitation'. To be honest, I was surprised too. It's been 10 YEARS since they last contacted me. Who am I kidding? You don't contact a banished person, do you? That was quite bold of Luna. But Luna was always the woman of wisdom. She was the only one who supported me. 'It wasn't support, Veronica. It was fake sympathy and you know that. Don't try to delude yourself just because she sent money'.'But that money played a vital role in making me independent, raven. It solved half of our problems', 'but what about the other half, Veronica?' "Veronica, can you tell me about the situation with Alfred." I could hear the venom in his voice breaking me out of trance. Well, the feeling is mutual Alpha. "Yes, I can. But I don't want you to jump on conclusions and drag me into this, remember I was invited." I paid stress on invited to make myself clear. "Don't talk to your Alpha like that!" he roared. Just then Raven surfaced and said," You aren't our Alpha anymore!" pressing each word with pure hatred. Luna might have sensed the tension that was building up and came in between, "it is okay, Vero, we won't drag you." This seemed to calm us down but I couldn't help but glare at the Alpha for a while, "Alfred was given Warfarin, to be simple he was poisoned and whoever poisoned him went for the kill. Warfarin in small amounts do gives side effects but is not fatal, but it's over dosage is. If I hadn't reached in time, he would have died." The last sentenced seemed to tick off the Alpha, which satisfied me. It was my way of saying 'know your place'. Luna's face was barred with worries which made the Alpha give up his unnecessary anger. But something in me told me that he is always going to look at me with suspicion. He sighed, "How much time would it take for him to recover?" Alpha asked massaging his forehead. As I speculated this question, the realization seemed to dawn on me, "A week."

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