But Hating, My Boy is an Art

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(not edited) 

    CHAPTER-2,BUT HATING, MY BOY IS AN ART                                                                                                                                                

I glanced up the scenery I have so wanted to forget. I never thought I would be back again here. The place I once called home. The trees, the air, the nature felt the same but yet they looked a bit different. I would be lying if I said that I didn't miss it but the feeling of betrayal overshadowed it all, I guess. I found the patrol guards roaming all around. Not even one familiar face. After all it's been ten years. I halted my car, picked up my bag and started to approach the gate, before I was stopped by the guards, quite expected. "It's an emergency. I am here for your pack doctor, Alfred Madison. Please let me enter, we have no time to spare. I tried to explain them the emergency but they looked at each other confusingly. I think I should tell them I am part of the pack. No I was once part of the pack. I am here to return the favor that's all. No need to tangle in an unnecessary mess. "Let her in." I heard the soft and commanding voice of our Luna and just like the guards I bowed down to give her respect. "After what we did to you, I don't think I deserve that respect dear." I glanced at her face. Her face tells me that it's been years, you could see the puffed up eyes and wrinkles on her forehead, but her grey eyes don't. "You do." "You have grown up not just physically but mentally. Ah! Please come in and save him, Vero. Let me guide you" I followed the brunette petite lady as she strode across the woods. I couldn't help but glance around the pack house. Wow, maple flooring and the archaic look with the pillars makes it look a modern castle if it makes sense. How surprising! The same lady who felt like could break any minute on the phone, now walked with confidence and authority as if she was never like that in the first place. I knew she was strong; she's a Luna after all. Now packs weren't patriarchal as they used to be. Now Lunas weren't just for bearing an heir but was a person whose power was equal to the Alpha. We are no different from humans apart for our senses. It was tough matching her up pace but it was to be done, a life is at stake here. "In there," she said and suddenly I could feel the pressure and my body tensed. Can I do it? Raven had stopped talking to me since then and I am even more nervous. 'I am with you, always. Do it veronica'. I felt her support and I pushed the door open and was greeted by the pungent smell of medicines. I found Alfred resting on his bed. He was pale and very weak and then the constant beeping caught my attention. But it wasn't normal, way too fast. His toes peeked from beneath the white sheet, which were turning blue. My eyes widened as I realized the fact that he was poisoned. I threw my bag at the corner and saw a short woman holding a clipboard nervously constantly ticking her ball pen glancing up at me, waiting for me to order. "Nurse, please give me the reports." She stiffened and handed me her clipboards. I swiftly read the information trying to take in all, and one thing that struck me was that the anti coagulation. But poison is not my expertise. I should ask Chris! I searched my pockets in haste and finally found it in my back pocket. Honestly, you never find them on time. I quickly searched his number and dialed it, "Hello, Chris?"I spoke while wiping the sweat off my forehead. "What is it, Vic?" I sounded so cheery. I guess he dumped his mom in a gutter or something. "Chris, I need your help. There is this patient whose Vitamin K is very low, like dangerously low and symptoms are..." I gestured the nurse to tell me the symptoms and turned the speaker on. "toes and fingers are turning blue, possibly poisoned. An hour before, he vomit looking like coffee grounds; he has quite a swelling all over the body. Also when I attached the drip to connect the IV his bleeding won't stop. His blood clotting rate is very slow..." she stopped trying ransacking her memory. "Blood clotting rate is low', huh? That means Vitamin K is less, anti coagulation that must be ... WARFARIN! "Nurse, get her Oral phytomenadione, as quickly as possible." She felt the emergency in Chris's voice and rushed out of the door which gave me time to thank him. "Thank you, Chris. I owe you one." "I hope you are NOT into something you'll regret because I don't think people poison their dogs with Warfarin, Vic." I could sense the panic in his voice and slight disappointment. Should I tell him? No, I shouldn't drag him in this mess. Suddenly his voice broke my trance, "you aren't in your old pack, are you?" So much for not dragging him up, well he knew a tiny bit of my past, not all of it though. After a minute of silence I finally said a yes. "Oh my God, are you nuts! You shouldn't be there!" I whined like a kid and after that suddenly said, "I am coming" and cut the call. What the hell! This guy cannot be serious! What is he thinking people will welcome him with garland here? I sighed and rubbed my forehead with my fingers, wishing an idea to plant there. But soon my mind diverted to a corpse like man. His skin was pale and yellowish. 'He has changed a lot or maybe it is because of Warfarin?' but who will know of that drug in this pack, I don't remember any medical genius from here. 'Yes, but I want to save him, Raven'. 'Why do you want to save him, veronica? Isn't he one of them?' We owe Luna not him! I could feel the hurt and dejection in her voice or maybe was it my feelings? 'I want to save him not because he was a family once but because I want to prove myself, raven!' 'I want to prove my innocence and my capability as Woods!' Woods were known doctors in Werewolves; we were a lineage of doctors. She silenced as if trying to see the truth in my voice "Doctor I've got it! I and the nurse lifted his pale body up with ease. He has lost quite a weight I gave him the medicine and waited. 'I hope he lives'. 'Me too, I want to leave this place at once'. I can understand her restlessness. I don't want any reason to rise up for the stay. I looked up at the nurse. She had dark circles under her eyes; her hair was a mess she was barely standing. One could tell she was exhausted." Good job, nurse. Give him K1 therapy and include all food rich in Vitamin K in his diet, all right. Now go home, you need rest. I'll be here to look over him. He's in safe hands. She jotted down all the information in her clip board and just as she was about to head out the door opened " How ironic, a murderer calling her hands safe?" My body stiffened as I recognized the voice and the accusation. "Alpha....."            

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