Chapter 13- The Coo

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Evan laughs hysterically as I crawl helplessly across the floor. He bends down beside me, he grabs me by the hair. He lifts my head, I spit in his face. He throws me to the floor, he kicks me three times. Jane wrestles Sarah, but Sarah's too strong. She holds the knife closer. Sarah covers her mouth, Evan cackles.
" If that girl won't shut up we'll kill her, so tell us where the other traitors are,"
I look up at him, smiling. " Don't you just want me? Or has there been a change of plans?". Evan kneels down beside me, " There has been indeed, I decided I'd kill all of you at once, just in case one of ya's gets away then plots a revenge against me for killing you!" He smiles, his ugly grin makes me laugh. " I'm surprised Sarah actually agreed to be your 'bride' or as I would like to say sex slave!" He punches me in the face.
" Why would you say that, bitch!" He growls, grasping my shirt collar. I grin.
" Do you think I don't notice the baby bump, damn, Evan, what have you been doing to her!" His anger does not contain itself. He repeatedly punches me in the face, five times, ten times. The tasted of blood fills my mouth, I look up.

" I wanna tell you something!" I mumble, my lip swelling.
" What's that?" A helicopter flies over, The World Government.
" The World Government has been tracking you and I for days, good luck dealing with them!" Evan nods to two boys behind him. " Go and shoot those bastards up, I'll deal with this bitch-" Something hard hits him. Jane has broken free, Sarah lies unconscious at the bottom of the slope. She grabs my gun and shoots two girls and a boy. They yelp in pain as they roll down the slope together, she then turns to Phora.

Phora charges at Jane, they roll down the hill. Screeching, I go down to help, but something grabs my hair and pulls me down. Evan grasps my throat, squeezing harder, constricting my breath. He lies on my chest.

A big rock sits beside me, I grab it and smash it hard into the side of Evan's head.
" Bitch!" He latches to me once again, squeezing my throat. His blood drips on my face, "!" I smash the rock into his head again. This time it knocks him cold, Jane screeches at the bottom of the slope.

Gunfire erupts behind me, The Students are fighting The Soldiers.
I run down, I notice that the house is now being fired at by several Students.
I barge into Phora, knocking her off of Jane. " Why are you doing this?!" I yowl at her.
Phora stands up, " All the hate, everything being blamed on me of all people, I couldn't take it, it was time to end the suffering!" She points her gun at me.

I get up, " Do it then, kill me, I'll never forgive you for doing it but do it,!".
Something grabs me, Evan once again pulls me to the floor.
" No! She's my kill!" Evan smacks Phora across the face, disarming her and knocking her out. Jane struggles to get up, but her arm prevents this.

He points the gun at me, " No more games, no more running, you have no rock to save you now!" A flash of bluish gray crosses my vision. I turn away as Evan begins to pull the trigger. Evan then screams in agony, turn back to see some creature growling and mauling him. " Wolf!" I yell. He thrashes Evan neck in his jaws, Evan's garbled screams are cut short. A pool of blood surrounds his body, Sarah rushes down the slope.
" No! no!" She cries over his body.
" This is your punishment, for betraying Kieran!"
Sarah turns around, " You will never see the others again!".
I tilt my head, " What?".
" They ran off, left you and the girl for dead! We saw them, and now.....The World Government will finish us both off!".
Horror fills in me, " Not if I have anything to say about it!" I take Phora's gun and fire at the pregnant girls forehead. I then turn to Jane, I help her up. I bend down to greet Wolf, it's so happy to see him again. And this time, he has decided to stay by the looks of it. " Aren't we going to find the others?" Jane asks.

I shake my head, " No, we can survive without them," I hold her hand, " We have each other now!" All Along The Watchtower plays in my head, the Little Brother Song as I call it. Wolf trots alongside me, it's like old times again. Just the two of us, plus a third, travelling alongside one another, struggling to survive.

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