The Attack

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Dedicated to KITkatWannaChat for the awesome cover that I'm using.

"Dad, I don't think it is a good idea for you to take so many enforcers with you. You know the Trident Pack has been trying to find an opening to attack." I said.

"Lilly, I have sent word that I would not be attending. That way they would think I'm still here. Only Alpha Mike knows the truth, and he won't tell anyone. There's no reason to worry, they will assume all of our pack is here." My father said.

"I still think just in case you need to adjust how many members you take," I told him.

"It's for training and most packs are bringing at least as many as we are taking if not more." My father said.

"I hope you are right." I sighed.

"I want you to come with me; you may be able to find your mate. Lilly, you are much older than the usual mating age." My father said.

"I think it is best I stay here, the pack will need me with you gone. I will find my mate when it is meant to be, I'm in no rush." I said.

My father was planning on leaving for a convention for a week; I just think it's a bad idea. The Trident Pack has been pushing against our territory waiting to attack. We outnumber them, but if they get word my father is gone with a large number of men, I fear they will attack. My father however is the Alpha so he thinks he knows best all the time. All I could do was pray.

I know I wasn't going to go, not when the Pack would be left vulnerable. Of course, I did want to meet my mate. I was twenty-four and most my age have already settled down and had a child or two by now. It didn't bother me so much because it allowed me to concentrate on helping my pack. But it never stopped my father from trying to push me to find my mate.

"I'm never going to get any grand-kids." My father teased.

"I'm in no rush dad when it's time for me to meet my mate I will," I said.

"Well, you will be attending the annual Ball, no ifs and or buts about it." He said.

"I wouldn't dream of missing it." I laughed.

I decided to finish up one of my paintings. It was from my wolf. She was a midnight Black, which was pretty rare. I have never seen one like her before. I thought she was beautiful. I had most of it done, but I needed to work on the background a bit more. Mostly I painted for fun, but sometimes people would pay me to do special ones for them. I currently had a few paintings on order, but I didn't feel in the mood to work on them.

I just had this feeling that keeps coming over me, and I don't know if it is because of my father leaving or something else. I just sensed things were going to happen. He would be leaving tonight, as most traveled during the day; he thought they would not be watching us at night. They were always watching. I use to think their Alpha was decent, that was until they tried to take over our eastern border. Their pack was a pretty good size, but their land was not enough for them. My father offered to let them buy some land, though the Trident Pack said it couldn't afford his price. The price was reasonable.

We used to be good allies until Zack took over for his father a few years back. Zack and I went to school together, and he was always a good friend. But now that he is the Alpha, he's changed. I haven't heard any horror tales of him being abusive or anything, but their pack had enough money to buy some property, there was no need to try to force it from us. For months we have found them near our borders, and it wasn't until a few weeks back Zack threatened he would take the land. I wish my father would let me talk to him. Maybe he would see reason. But he didn't want to get me involved. I was tired of them always thinking I shouldn't do things because I'm a woman.

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