Introduction/Summary Excerpt from inside.

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The Alarms were blaring which meant we were under attack. I ran downstairs and opened the basement door to let the children inside.

"Lilly, hurry they're approaching fast!" Rachel screamed.

"Who? What is going on?" I asked looking around. People were running everywhere. I fumbled with the keys and finally found the right one. One by one they filed down into the basement. I pushed the button hidden inside the fuse box, and the wall slid open revealing a secret room. After the children were inside I shut the door and remained outside in the basement. The idea was if anyone came inside they would just think we were hiding here keeping those hidden safe.

"The Trident Pack has attacked. Mark caught them crossing the borders. There are over a hundred of them." Rachel's whole body was shaking as she spoke. Rachel was Mark's mate, and I'm sure she was worried.

"I will be right back. Everyone stay here." I said.

"You really shouldn't go. If anything happens to you your father will go mad." Rachel said.

I ignored her; this was my pack too and just because I was a woman didn't mean I was going to just sit downstairs hiding in a basement. I needed to make sure there were no other children out there and access the situation. As I came upstairs I noticed the alarms were no longer going off. Could it be over already? I tried to look out the window but couldn't see much. So I made my way outside, making sure to use my senses to look around me.

What I saw when I rounded the corner of the house made me sick. There were bodies everywhere. It looked like both sides fared badly. I needed to try to find my pack members surely they didn't all die.

 As I neared the clearing near the back of the house, I could see a man standing over what looked to be Beta Mark. I didn't recognize him. He didn't seem to notice me as I crept up behind him. 

"Who are you?" I asked startling him. He wasn't a werewolf, but yet he didn't smell human. He eyed me strangely. His eyes were electric Blue, and his cheekbones were high. Something about the way he looked at me made me want to run away, but I was stuck, unable to move.

"I think the better question is who are you?" He asked me.

"You are the one standing over my Beta, and if you killed him I will make sure you pay." I spat.

"I didn't kill him; in fact oddly, he still lives. I am awaiting his last breath as we speak, but if you like I could move it along faster," He said.

"Lilly, what are you doing out here?" Mario said as he bent down next to Mark.

"This man is trying to kill him," I said pointing towards the strange man.

"Lilly, there is no one here but you and me." Mario glanced at me as if I was delusional.

"He can't see me, maybe you are delusional." The strange man said.

The pack doctor lifted up Mark with the help of Mario and began carrying him into the house. Neither of them seemed to be able to see the man. Maybe he was a witch or some kind of vampire or something.

"Looks like your Beta, may live a while longer, but that one over there is mine." He said as he sauntered over to a body on the ground.

He stood over the body of a man I did not recognize, and a white light came out of his hand. The man tried to speak and I was sure he was from the Trident pack. He pushed down on his chest and I thought I could see the man's eyes flicker as he lay on the ground. I could not let him kill him, even if he was a part of the Trident Pack. I jumped on top of the strange man's body determined to take him down, and that's when it hit me. The tingles ran all through my body, and in that moment I knew this strange man with the glowing hands was my mate, I jumped back in fear. There was no way, he isn't even like me, and he's something else entirely different.

"If you wanted to be on top of me so bad you could have just asked." He smirked.

"You wish. What are you some kind of crazy Warlock or something?" I asked him as I backed up from him.

"Crazy Warlock? That's a good one, Nope guess again." He laughed.

"Well you are not a werewolf, but yet not human, how can you even be my Mate?" I spat.

"I'm not a werewolf, but I could turn into one if it pleases you. Though I dare say we are mates, we only met, though your use of British slang is most odd." He chuckled.

"There is no way the Goddess, gave me you," I said more to myself.

"The Goddess you say? Oh, I see, you meant mate as in the love of your life, the one made for you. Well, I can assure you, I'm not him, or rather you're not her. I have lived for thousands of years, and no woman has ever tied me down. However, I am willing to uh have a little fun if you know what I mean." He winked. I could feel my cheeks getting flushed, and knew they were red.

"No Thanks; I'm sure you used some kind of magic to make me think you are my mate. I guess you can't get a woman any other way." I said.

Truthfully I was sure he could get any woman he wanted without magic, he was hot. His hair was a light brown, but when the light hit it you could see the flecks of blonde, his eyes were like the deep blue Sea, and easy to lose yourself in, if you weren't careful.  I was sure under those clothes, well maybe I just wouldn't think about what was under those clothes. I quickly looked up noticing I was looking him up and down.

"Clearly, whatever I have done, has worked on you." He smirked.

"What are you?" I asked him.

"I'm something you aren't even supposed to see, but I can assure you if you see me again it will be because you are taking your last breath, and I will relish the feeling of taking your soul. "He whispered. He was so close now, and I could feel my knees grow weak. "Don't worry; I will make sure you feel pleasure before you die." I could feel his breath on my neck, and a moan escaped my lips. I pulled away quickly and caught my breath.

He raised his hands up, as two red wings came out his back. He was the Angel of Death. I heard stories of him. Why would the Goddess make him my mate? Maybe he did cast a spell?

"By the way, you were too late, His soul is already gone. You would be happy if you knew his intentions towards you." He said before he took to the sky. He was gone, and I collapsed to the ground.

This is a teaser from inside, I hope you guys enjoy and let me know what you think. Vote Comment. I will have a chapter up later today for this.!

 The Cover on the side was made BySanenLexriss14 She has many great stories on here, and makes great covers. So hek some of them out.

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