You're the Best Part of Me

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Psst. Guess what. More sappy fluff!


Rogue looked up from his thick novel. The screaming children in the park were starting to get on his nerves. Exhaling, he returned to his book, biting his lip in concern for the characters.

After reading another few chapters, he carefully placed his bookmark in the spot he finished and closed the book. He tucked the novel into his navy blue messenger bag and slowly stood up.

Rogue smiled softly as he admired his surroundings. Most of the kids had gone home, and the sunset cast everything in pretty shades of orange and red and pink. The tall trees surrounding the open green cast long shadows. Summertime sunsets were Rogue's favourite thing.

He looked around himself again and started walking away from the bench he was lounging on. The black-haired boy took the long way out of the park; he walked on the path around the outside of the centre green and took the long, winding path out to the main street.

There were tons of people out on the cobblestone streets. It was the nicest day of the summer so far, and there were lots of events going on tonight. There was a small festival in town, so there were little dorky games for kids to persuade their parents into letting them play. There were lots of street vendors selling things from necklaces to fried carnival food to balloons. Most of the restaurants in town were having specials thanks to the great weather. Rogue heard the vague sound of a concert on the other side of town.

Pulling off his heavy cloak and draping it over one shoulder, the mage continued weaving through the streets to get to the guild hall. After another few minutes, he saw the building at the end of the street. A slight calming sensation came over him for a reason unknown to him.

He carefully pushed open the heavy wooden doors. The guild was mostly empty, which didn't really surprise him, considering the beautiful weather. However, the Shadow Dragon Slayer knew one person who was certainly still in his office.

Knocking lightly, Rogue eased open the frosted glass door, revealing a blonde-haired teen lounging in a rolling chair. He had a wooden clipboard resting in his lap, and the pen in his hand wasn't moving. He breathed in and out at a constant pace, ruffling the papers on the clipboard ever-so-slightly.

"Sting," Rogue whispered, grinning a little bit.

When the boy didn't respond, Rogue stepped around the large glass desk and placed his hand on the blonde's shoulder. "Sti-ing," he tried again. There was still no response, so the black-haired mage resorted to desperate measures. Excruciatingly slowly, he leaned in towards the guild master. Then, he just barely brushed his lips against his partner's and took a few steps back.

He was surprised when Sting didn't respond immediately. Furrowing his brow, Rogue stared at the blonde and observed him for anything strange. His face looked normal, his hair was unruly and slightly spiky as usual, and he had a stack of unfinished paperwork on his desk. Nothing's weird, so...

Suddenly, the blonde shot out of his chair and lunged at the black-haired dragon slayer. The pen and clipboard that were in his lap crashed to the floor. Sting slammed his lips against Rogue's with so much force that he had to step back a few times until Sting had him pinned against a filing cabinet. Rogue's heart was pounding, but after the initial shock, he relaxed and got into the kiss.

A second or two later, he realised what had happened, so he managed to distract Sting just long enough to switch their positions by running his hand lightly over Sting's arm. Rogue pulled back, a fire in his eyes. Slamming his hands on either side of his boyfriend's face, he stared into Sting's eyes.

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