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Inspired by the combination of several Tumblr posts.


The wind howled outside, rain pounding the windows.

Rogue turned a page in his book as he heard the front door open.

Sting, drenched and very dishevelled, groaned as he hung his coat on the back of the door. "Man, that storm is a bitch."

Rogue looked up from his book. "Mm. We haven't had one this bad in a while."

Falling on the couch beside his husband, Sting closed his eyes and let out a big breath. "The storm is bad enough, but have you heard the news? Apparently Fairy Tail destroyed another city."

Rogue let out a small chuckle. "But does it really surprise you? That's what they're best at."

"Of course it doesn't surprise me. But what does surprise me is that earlier this evening I got a letter from the Council. They want Sabretooth to pay 150,000 jewel for 'representation and appraisal'."

"That's odd. I've never heard of that tax before."

"Oh, well, that's a problem for another day." Sting rolled his head to look at his black-haired partner and smiled softly.

Rogue blinked and closed his book. "What?"

"It's nothing. It's just..." Sting stood up, offering Rogue a hand. "Come on."

Rogue cocked his head to the side but took Sting's hand. Sting set his hands around Rogue's waist and guided Rogue's hands around his neck. Pulling close, Sting took a step to the left and gazed into the ruby eyes that he loved so much.

He followed Sting's lead as they slowly started to make their way around the living room. Rogue carefully set his forehead on Sting's strong shoulder, disregarding the water from Sting's hair. "We don't have any music," he murmured, not really caring about the lack of music.

A small smile growing on his face, Sting whispered, "Can't count the years on one hand... that we've been together."

Rogue felt a smile creep onto his own face as Sting sang.

"I need the other one to hold you." Sting pressed a soft kiss to Rogue's left cheek. "Make you feel..." He left another kiss on his right cheek. "Make you feel better." Sting eased their dancing into a slowed-down pace to meet the song.

Both lifting their heads, they locked eyes. It was their song.

Sting and Rogue both wore suits. Sting's suit was mostly white with gold and blue accents, while Rogue's suit was black with red and white. Rogue had pulled his hair up into a nice ponytail.

The couple gazed into each other's eyes and laced their hands together as they opened the door. All eyes turned to the couple. The guild hall was decorated in black and white, with a disco ball over the centre of the room.

Yukino rushed forward, bowing deeply. Her sea-green and white dress glimmered in the light. "Welcome, Sting-sama, Rogue-sama. Congratulations." A broad smile filled her face, as well as everyone else in the guild hall.

Rogue and Sting were eagerly guided by several of their friends to a table at the front of the hall. Rogue spotted some people from the Grand Magic Games – Kagura from Mermaid Heel, Lyon and Cheria from Lamia Scale, Ichiya and the rest of the Blue Pegasus guys, and all of the various Fairy Tail members. Everyone was all smiles. It made Rogue's heart warm with happiness that everyone cared so much.

Yukino handed each of them a glass of champagne and grabbed one for herself. "Excuse me?" she shouted. The room fell silent. "I'd like to propose a toast to the newlyweds." She looked at the happy couple. "Rogue, Sting, I wish both of you the best of luck in this next amazing and romantic stage of your lives. To Sting and Rogue!" Yukino grinned and lifted her glass overhead, everyone else in the crowd following suit. She then took a small sip of champagne and set down her glass.

The evening was pretty much a blur to both of them.

After the meal and cake – which Erza from Fairy Tail had more than her share of – they made their rounds, thanking everyone for showing their support in their marriage and other sappy stuff that you're supposed to say.

Everyone from Fairy Tail had something to say.

"Congratulations, Rogue," Gajeel said, nodding.

"Good going, man!" Natsu exclaimed, giving Sting a big high five and smiling at Rogue.

"Congrats. The cake's great," Erza said, shoving another bite of cake into her mouth.

Wendy and Lucy both also wished them congratulations. When Rogue asked where Happy and Carla were, Wendy merely shrugged and giggled a bit.

Soon enough, Yukino announced that it was time for their first dance. Sting dragged a red-faced Rogue to the dance floor. "I'd forgotten we have to dance," Rogue grumbled as Sting placed his arms around his waist.

The music started. Yukino looked to Sting, silently asking if it was the right song. Yes, he nodded.

Rogue adjusted his view from Sting's shoes to his eyes. "You did it..."

Sting grinned. He had found a way to edit the song perfectly to be a slow dance. "Can't count the years on one hand... that we've been together," he whispered in Rogue's ear. "I need the other one to hold you..." Rogue couldn't suppress his smile and tears in his eyes. "Make you feel... make you feel better."

They slowly made their way around the room, lost in their own world. They both soon forgot that they were the centre of attention, but felt as if they were dancing on their own magical clouds.

Sting whispered all of the lyrics in Rogue's ears, and as Rogue's tears fell, Sting gently wiped them all away with his thumb. "I should be over all the butterflies... But I'm into you." Sting pressed a tender kiss on Rogue's lips. "And baby even on our worst nights... I'm into you."

Rogue squeezed his eyes shut, letting a single tear fall. In tempo, Rogue cut off Sting's next words. "Some things just... some things just make sense."

"And one of those is you and I," Sting replied. "Some things just... some things just make sense."

Voice hitching with his emotions, Rogue said, "And even after all this time... I'm into you."

The dance slowly came to a halt, both of them so caught up in emotions that they just wanted to be there together. Staring into each other's eyes, tears in both of their eyes, they whispered the last chorus together. "I should be over all the butterflies... But I'm into you. And baby even in our worst nights... I'm into you. Let 'em wonder how we got this far... Cause I don't have to wonder at all. Yeah, after all this time... I'm still into you..."

The two stopped for just a moment to just savour it and how happy they were. Rogue leaned his head forward to rest his forehead on Sting's. Both smiling, they stood there in each other's embrace and love.

"You know, Rogue," Sting whispered after a while. "I love you."

"And I'm still into you. I love you, too."

Rogue touched his lips to Sting's, allowing himself to let go and just be in that moment with Sting.


A/N: I do not take any credit for song lyrics in this story. The song is Still Into You by Paramore. I thought it would be really adorable if the tempo was slowed down a lot to the tempo of a slow dance, so that's where this came from (along with a bunch of prompts I found online). The song and its lyrics do not belong to me – full credit goes to Paramore.

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