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I'm just gonna thank Tumblr for this idea.


Sting blew on his numb fingers as he made his way across the green. Goddammit. Why the fuck do they have classes this early? he thought, taking a small sip of his scalding hot coffee.

When he finally made it to the building where his Calculus II class was supposed to be, he took a deep breath and slowly opened the door. It's okay. You can totally do advanced math at seven in the morning. You survived high school. You're fine, Sting.

Then a little annoying twit in the back of his mind retorted, I barely survived. I got a C in literally all of my early morning classes.

The classroom was large, and it was surprisingly full, considering class didn't start for another fifteen minutes. At the front of the room were the teacher's desk and a whiteboard. The rest of the class was on steps. Sting felt like all eyes were on him as he slowly climbed the stairs, eyeing somewhere to sit. There.

He slid into a seat two rows from the top and started powering up his laptop. Once he had set up everything and brought up a word processing file, he leaned back and closed his eyes.

After what seemed like mere seconds, he heard a female voice shout, "Good morning!"

As she said this, an extremely attractive guy slid into the seat next to Sting, slamming a half-full travel mug of coffee onto the desk. He had his messy black hair pulled up into a ponytail, and he wore a dark grey sweatshirt and black jeans. He looked so tired that Sting didn't want to say anything, so he settled for just admiring the spectacle next to him. The dark-haired male heaved a laptop out of his bag, turning it on and then grabbing a piece of loose leaf paper and a black ink pen. Finally, with a huge groan, he pulled a Monster energy drink out and slammed it next to the coffee.

As the teacher – Miss L'elle – started handing papers back, Sting had a hard time not staring at the boy next to him. He popped the top on the Monster and unscrewed the lid on his coffee. He then proceeded to pour the whole energy drink in, earning the boy a shocked expression from Sting.

He screwed the lid back on and shoved the empty can back into his black messenger bag. The boy, with completely dead eyes, shot a glance at Sting and then took a huge swig. "I'm gonna die," he grumbled, staring down the teacher.

Towards the end of the two-hour long class, the black-haired male seemed to have a fraction of life in him, so Sting decided to introduce himself when they started getting ready to leave. "Hey, I'm Sting. Mechanical engineering major."

He turned to Sting, a slight look of death in his glare. Then, seemingly registering Sting's words, he replied, "I am Rogue. Computer science major." He let a small smile tug at the side of his lips – which Sting had to admit looked pretty nice. "I'm really not a morning person. Nice to meet you, Sting."

As they both stood up to leave, Sting looked at Rogue. "I suppose I'll be seeing you, then."

Rather than actually replying, Rogue just grunted. "Ugh."

Sting decided to not take it as an insult as much as a hatred of mornings. "Bye, Rogue."

"I'll see you dead and early tomorrow. I'm gonna head back to my dorm and die for another few hours."

Sting stifled a laugh as he walked away from his new friend, if you could call Rogue that.

The next time Sting saw Rogue was on Thursday at eight o'clock.

As Rogue slid in next to Sting, he slammed down his coffee and gripped a 5-hour energy shot, dumping it in. "Still gonna die," Rogue growled.

Stingue One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now