[Chapter Six-Gabby]

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After I had talked to Aria and she told me about the flashback, I lay in bed, thinking.

Professor Eracs wanted to try an experiment on me, because I have nine (five) lives....Voldemort had wanted to try an experiment on Aria. Aria is positive that it is the same experiment....but it doesn't make sense. Aria doesn't have nine lives like I do. Did Voldemort possibly want to kill her if the experiment went wrong?

The jumble of thoughts spun around in my head but I could still make no sense of them. At last, I fell asleep.


"Oi. Wakeup."

I opened my eyes and looked around, half-blinded by sleep.

"Wha...?" I mumbled groggily. I peered blearily at the figure standing above me, shaking me.

"Wake up," said the figure.

"Aria?" I questioned sleepily.

"Yes. Now get up!" Aria exclaimed.

"Orright, orright. I'm getting up," I muttered indistinctively.

I automatically looked at my alarm clock, wondering why it didn't wake me up. The sight of the glowing numbers of the screen jerked me out of my sleepy state.

"For God's sake, Aria! It's 5.30 am!" I exclaimed. "Why did you wake me up?!"

Aria gave me the look. The look that plainly said, 'Are you really that stupid or just pretending?'

I looked at Aria in confusion.

She sighed impatiently. "We try and figure out this experiment business before the others wake up, you nong!"

"Ohhh," I said, my head clearing.

Aria shook her head. "Sometimes I worry about you."

I gave Aria the evil eye. "Oh, haha. Very funny."

"So, this experiment. What do you think it might be?" asked Aria, pulling out a pen and paper.

"Well..." I smiled slyly. "I might just have a little clue..."

Aria looked up. "Serious?" she asked, sounding interested.

I nodded.

"Well, show to us, then!" Aria exclaimed.

I cocked an eyebrow. "'Us?'" I quoted questionably.

Aria rolled her eyes and sighed impatiently. "You know what I mean. Now show me!"

I considered this, tilting my head to one side. "You know..." I said slowly. "You might just have to do a few jobs for me in return for me finding out this valuable information."


I grinned. "Just kidding!" I rummaged in my pocket, searching for the paper I needed. My hand came out of my pocket clutching two pieces of paper.

"Hmmm..." I studied the first one and bit back a laugh. "This is it," I said, trying to sound serious.

Aria took the piece of paper and looked at it for a moment. "You've gotta be kidding me!" She held up the paper I had given her. It was a picture drawn by Kelly's five-year-old cousin, Annabelle. I had met Annabelle in the holidays and she drew me the picture. It was a crossed-eyed cow munching on multi-coloured grass.

"Are you actually serious?" Aria groaned in frustration.

"Nope," I shot back cheekily. "This is the real one." I handed her the second piece of paper.

Aria took it and studied it just like she had the last one. This is what it looked like:



"It's a code," Aria breathed.

I rolled my eyes. "No, it's a banana!" I said sarcastically.

Aria frowned at me. "Can you just be serious for at least five minutes? Now, how do we work out this code?"

I frowned  and crossed my arms.

Aria looked up at me. "Well?" she said impatiently.

"Well what?"

"I know if anyone can work this out it would be you." Aria replied.

My eyebrows furrowed. "I think I know, but I can't tell you."

"Why not?" Aria gaped.

"Because I have to be serious for five minutes, so I can't talk properly without slipping in a joke," I argued.

Aria sighed. "Just tell me, Gabs."

"Fine." I got up and started pacing around the room. "First of all, when Harry and I were in Eracs' office, I picked up this piece of paper from his desk. So it's obviously written by Eracs."

"Keep going," said Aria slowly.

"Well, when I was little I found this book of how to crack codes on the street," I said.

Aria suddenly sat up. "Well, what is it?" she cried, her face alight with excitement.

I pointed to the top line of letters. "See this? The first letter of the top line is the first letter of the sentence." Then I pointed to the second line of letters. "The first letter of the second line is the second letter of the sentence."

"So..." Aria seemed to be putting the pieces of the code together. "It says..."

" 'Turning humans into gold experiment going well only Gabby won't agree to be part of it from Eracs.' " I read aloud.

We both froze for a second as we took in what I had said.

That was it.

The experiment that Eracs wanted to use me for.

It turns humans into gold.


A/N: DaDaDa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (dramatic piano music)

Okay, first of all, I don't know if I did the code properly, but I can't be bothered to check.

This chapter is dedicated to iluvchocolateheaps because her laptop broke and she wanted to go on mine and I said wait til I finish this chapter and she kept annoying me so I said I'll dedicate it to you if you stop and she did so............

User of the Day: Rottielover

Book of the Day: Silence by Princessharley

Next Upload: I don't know I'm really bad at keeping to my deadline thingy as you all probably know.....


turnip :)

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