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“Yi Shuan?” James spoke confusedly. How can Ann be Yi Shuan? How can Ann be the Yi Shuan he loved from the past? Yes, he loved her.

“What do you mean, James?” Ann asked him though she knows what he is talking about.

“Why did your mom called you ‘Yi Shuan’?”

“That’s my nickname.” Ann said. She made it clear to herself, but for James, he was still confuse.


“Yes. Any problem with that, James?”

“No. I have none.” But inside he has. He wanted to tell her the reason. But he can’t. He wanted to tell Ann that, that’s the exact name of the first girl he ever loved, but he can’t. He was speechless. It felt like he was numb. He just can’t find the words to tell her.

‘But why did I felt uneasiness? She isn’t Yi Shuan.”, he thought.


Sunday morning, Ann and James went together to the restaurant where the celebration was held. Ann was quite the whole ride, which made James confuse, again. When they arrived, they were welcomed by tons of people. A lot were fans and also, their managers. All the time Ann was smiling. But behind those smiles were things that she needs to clear out. She’s still finding a way to say to him that she is Yi Shuan. But unknown to her, that James loved Yi Shuan.


“Fretzie!!” Ann shouted back. Yes. Fretzie. The same Fretzie from High School. She was also an actress. But in James’ words, Ann and Fretzie met in an audition.

Few minutes later, Fretzie was ask to stay away from Ann for a little bit minute. So, as a nice lady, she is, she decided to go to her other co-stars.

“Ms. Ann Li, mind singing for us?” The emcee suddenly blurted out. Ann just smiled at him and went in front. The tone ‘Why can’t it be’ was now playing.

Flashbacks in the past were visible now in her mind. Inside her she was crying, but outside she has a full smile plastered in her face. She was depress. Why did she sang that song? And she was asking herself, why can’t it be the two of them, before. Why can’t they be lovers? And why are they only meant to be friends? Both of them came in the place at the wrong time. How he wish that he didn’t agree to that bet. He never know that he could fall in love with a girl like her. All he knows back then is, It’s Impossible.

The song ended well, but little did Ann know that she was crying. But sobs weren’t visible on her voice while she was singing, it was her normal voice. When Ann was about to go out of the stage, the emcee called her again.

“Ms. Ann Li.”

“Yes?” Ann asked wiping her tears off. The emcee smiled and said, “Mind sharing with us why are you crying while you’re singing the song? I mean, if it’s okay.” The emcee said, which Ann didn’t refused. She has to share her experience with other people. Not just to herself.

“As everyone can see, I was a bit carried away from that song. Cause back when I was a senior, I had a guy, whom I loved so much. And then, he started courting me from an unknown reason. I was also curious that time. But in the end I began judging him for cheating on me, which he said that, that girl on the phone was his sister, which is really her. So, after that day, I began saying sorry to him, which he didn’t accept. After dismissal, he began to tell me that the whole thing was a bet. So, there. I dedicate that song to him.” Ann said. Each message, struck James’ heart. It was the same thing that happened with him and Yi Shuan.

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