IwaOi One-shot

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the following may contain light smut-- you have been warned

"C'monnnn Iwa-chan," Oikawa giggled, walking drowsily out of the bar. Who even knew how many he had downed by now, but finally Iwaizumi dragged him away from the alcohol. Not before he had a few drinks himself.

"Shittykawa what's wrong with you?" Iwa deadpanned, throwing a sudden hand up to his head as if it could stop the pounding. His world was spinning, just like his stomach felt like it would be doing later.

"Iwaaaa-chaaaan~" Oikawa called, opening the backseat door of the car. He beckoned the other man by pulling his shirt up slightly, exposing the toned body that lay underneath.

The dark-haired male shook his head in disapproval, then clutched it in pain. That was the second time in the last minute, damn this alcohol. But he was too tempted, and began to crawl into the backseat with his lover.

They quickly began a heated makeout session, not bothering to block the windows or muffle their noises. It wasn't like they could focus on more than one thing at a time anyway, and right now, both of their minds were on the other, wanting to remember every single detail they could manage.

   Oikawa was the first to crack, practically ripping off Iwaizumi's shirt in the process. He craved that friction that only his ace could bring. Iwa soon followed suit, unzipping the pants of his setter with a grace that only months of practice could bring.

   Despite his eagerness, Oikawa was the first to cum as well, flopping down in Iwa's lap, exhausted.

   "Did you know sex is better when you're drunk, Iwa-chan? Everything seems so much more... enhanced."

   "Whatever you say Trashykawa, now come on. We have to go home and get cleaned up before anyone comes looking for us," Iwa coaxed the brunette, massaging the boy's head of curls.

   "Mmk Iwa-chan, whatever you say. But I'm only doing this because," he paused, sitting himself up. "I, love, you." Upon each word, the ace recieved a bop on the nose. He smiled despite himself, and lifted Oikawa out of the car princess style.

"Let me down Iwa-chan!!" Oikawa yelled, batting at the (sexy) arms of his holder.

Fuck, already, Iwa thought, I can't have him get defensive now...

"I'm driving," Oikawa stated, not even asking first. He grabbed the car keys and sat himself in the drivers seat, unmoving. There was no point in arguing with him when he was this drunk, no sensible logic would get through. No sensible logic was even going through either of their heads, so Iwa sat in the passengers seat without a complaint.


   It happened in the blink of an eye.

   Not even a scream escaped either of the boys' lips.

   Only the flashing of headlights.

   The unnerving stillness of the body next to Oikawa.

   The hot, sticky liquid that was running down his face. Down both of their faces.

   And the final breathe Oikawa took, before he went home with his lover, Iwaizumi.

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