AkaSuga Headcanons (NSFW)

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I live for this ship
I live for this reader poly
but sadly I am only writing for the ship



•holy shit so many toys

•the kinky ass angels

•literally both will try anything

•they switch up top and bottom, as both can be either and be content

•if Suga tops the pace will be agonizingly slow but quickly pick up in the matter of seconds

•if Akaashi tops the pace is moderately quick, but passionate and he can slow down or speed up depending on what Suga's reaction is

•Suga is big into sensory deprivation ((rip when I type "sensory" the autocorrect wants to type "deprivation" next; it knows me too well)) so Akaashi has learned how to correctly answer Suga's lewd questions of "If you had the choice to hear, see, or talk/taste, what would you choose?"

•Akaashi is big into head though, it doesn't matter who's blowing who, as long as they're both enjoying it

•Suga is louder than Akaashi, however he loves to make the other utter his name in vocal screams

•Akaashi likes shower sex

•Suga likes bath sex

•they normally take a bath to please Suga, then a shower for Akaashi, and then another bath to actually wash off (in the second bath it's lovely fun cuddling time)

•they rarely do the bath-shower-bath thing, it's more for special occasions because it uses up so much water

•if either had a bad day, the other will serenade him while passionately kissing all the right places *cough*

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