Frozen Yogurt

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After I dropped my mom off home I took the car. I picked up Austin and told him to make sure to grab his wallet because he was buying me frozen yogurt for my birthday. We arrived at Menchie's and a soon as we get out of the car I see a girl staring at Austin haha*evil smile* the first of many dates I get to ruin for Austin. I walk by the girl with Austin and say "You look thirsty you should find someone elses boyfriend to eye rape." Then I just casually walk away from the girl leaving her there sitting open mouthed and wide eyed. Once inside Austin and me go directly for the cups that you put frozen yogurt in. I got cookies&cream, cake batter, cheesecake, and chocolate flavored frozen yogurt.  Austin just gets plain old regular chocolate. After we get the frozen yogurt we move on to the toppings I head straight for the sour gummy worms because Austin also likes them and if he gets to them first before I get there he'll complain that I copied him by getting them. I got like 6 sour gummy worms then head to the nerds but there is already someone there. I look down casually waiting for the guy to hurry up. Once it seems like he's done I look up and my eyes meet with a pair of chocolate brown eyes. They are beautiful but something feels off about them they make new feel uneasy, but they make something inside of me feel loved even the voice inside my head says "Our mate is cute." Wait did she just say mate I mean I don't even know the guy so how can we be friends I'm scared. I quickly break the connection with the guy and get my nerds. I then grab Austin's hand pulling to the register so he can pay and then we rush to the car and eat in there. Once finished I look out my window and my eyes meet those chocolate brown ones again. I break the connection again this time and pull out of the parking lot then quickly drive to Austin's house. We arrive at his house in about 15 minutes once we get there I'm surprised at who we see at his house Austin says"Jade this is my cousin Jacob." I look straight into a pair of lovely chocolate brown eyes.

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