Six; New Era

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The audience rised to their feet, boos echoing rapidly throughout the arena as The Authority strutted down the ramp. Scowls crossed on their features, scanning the audience for one true fan who actually supported them and what they do. Finding one, each of them shrugged, not even caring anymore about winning the love of fans as the slid in-between the ropes slowly. Excruciating pain inched up everywhere on their bodies making them whince with pure agnony. Charlotte, Triple H and Paige bit their lips aggressively making sure that the tears that swelled in their eyes didn't escape.

Charlotte limped over to the outside of the ring, demanding one of the tech guy's in a nagging tone to get her a microphone. She pushed her blonde curls out of her face, an ignited rage burned inside of her as she relived the memory of Becky Lynch and Roman Reigns standing tall in the ring while they were forced to cower out of the ring in defeat. She looked over the crowd of people, focusing on the light's that illuminated the arena brightly. Charlotte handed her boss Stephanie McMahon the microphone gracefully, Stephanie forcefully grabbing it and placing it under her lips without any hesitation.

"Roman Reigns and Becky Lynch have made a utter mistake," Stephanie threatened, the crowd instantly disagreeing with her making her chuckle out of amusement.

"All of you want to believe deep in your hearts that somebody will finally put The Authority out of power because hope is all you've left. You cheer for these type of people but all those little fantasies all of you had in your head was nothing more but a dream. Let me tell you all something, dreams don't come true in this world." Stephanie claimed, Hunter and Charlotte clapping with anticipation.

'You've got no chance cause that's what you got,'

Stephanie cocked her head to the side, a smile inched slowly on her lips, seeing her seventy year old father walk down the ramp once more but he has something in his hands this time. It was made out of the finest, most expensive crystal there was to find, the glass more fragile then any other glasses, it sparkled off the light's. Vince McMahon entered the ring, placing the award on the floor gently so he could give his daughter a hug. "Dad, what are you doing here?" Stephanie asked, very puzzled about why her dad was here.

Before Vince could get a chance to open up his mouth, Roman's theme blasted throughout the arena, sending instant chills down the old man's spine, remembering the drastic superman punches he's received. Roman walked down the swarm of fans alongside with the Irish lasskicker Becky Lynch. The both jumped over the barricade with ease, lurking around the ring like vultures for a few seconds before entering the ring with microphones in hand.

"No, please continue Vince," Roman suggested, giving him signals for him to continue on.

"Before I got rudely interrupted, Stephanie, I don't know how you run this show practically all on your own now and I think it's very deserving to give you the first ever Vincent Kennedy McMahon award for your courage and independence, you really deserve it," Vince said, Stephanie fake crying as she grabbed the reward.

"Thank you dad, I have no idea what to say," Stephanie said, her voice cracking with each word.

"This is a bunch of crap," Becky commented, making Stephanie roll her eyes.

"You're just jealous. I didn't prepare a speech but running this show....

'Here comes the money'

Stephanie got cut off, pure shock burning through her. Her color instantly draining and her blood immediately started to boil, seeing her older brother Shane McMahon on the top of the ramp.

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