Best Friend

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You are my friend

A hand youll always lend

You know everything

About my problems I mean

Never told me "what's wrong?"

Cause you've known all along

You new when he stole my heart

And tore it apart

You were always there

And cared

You never let me down

Made me feel like I could be good enough to wear a crown

We will always be the bestests of friends

Forever till the end

Even though we are diffrent

A friendship is still meant

So just know that no matter what friends

Is what we'll always be


Ok I wrote this about my best friend she is the best. She knows the most about me. We have never fought. We've been friends for so long I can't even remember how we met. I tell her things I wouldn't dare tell anyone else. I wrote it cause I was sitting rereading my poems and realized I didn't have one about her so that's why I wrote it

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