Chapter Thirty-Eight

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At six-months pregnant with twins, Alex was still able to tie her own boots, and the boost of confidence in her ability to care for herself was exactly what she needed before she set out on her inevitable quest. She put on black leggings, a loose-fitting black shirt, and tied her hair back into a ponytail. Looking at herself in the mirror in the foyer of the palace's main entryway, she was as ready as she'd ever be.

"I think you're forgetting something."

Treyan startled her as she watched his reflection while stood silently behind her. He had left earlier to ready the horses for the trip north. They agreed that he would bring her as far as the tree line, to ensure she at least made it that far before she would be out of his protection. She would have been lying if she said she didn't agree, so she would allow him to accompany her that far so long as his presence didn't bring too much attention to the task at hand. This mission was kept a secret from the rest of the Empire, so they would need to avoid the barracks as much as possible and enter unseen from either side.

She returned to admiring herself. "And what would that be, my prince?" He had been adding to the list of his personal rules and restrictions since the Councillor gave them his approval: that she was to rest when she felt tired, that she was to drink water constantly. She was to get in and get out as soon as possible and remember the outlying goal was to retrieve Reylor for his crimes and to not exact her vengeance without Treyan.

A part of her wondered if the last restriction was for his own benefit.

She expected the list to grow until they parted at the tree line.

He stood behind her, a whole head taller, and wrapped one arm around her shoulders while the other presented her with a black silk-wrapped item

She blinked at him through the mirror, and he held the parcel out for her to take it.

She unwrapped the gift carefully, and in her hands, she held a knife—not the useless kitchen knife she stuck in her garter on her wedding day, but a real, master-crafted weapon.

Its hilt was wrapped in heavy black leather, and its silver blade was smooth and sharp. Inlaid into the pommel was a dark blue gem, similar to a sapphire, and its balance was perfect within her grip.

"Where did this come from?"

"Well, I saw the knife they took off you after the wedding ceremony. I'm almost afraid to ask why you had it in the first place."

She rolled her eyes in his general direction. "It wasn't for you. It was for protection."

"From what, a steak?"

She glared at his reflection.

"Anyway, I figured if you're going to carry a knife, it might as well be a sharp one."

She sheathed the blade. Holding the weight in her hands was a comfort.

"Thank you," she said sincerely as she tried to attach the knife to her belt. Tried, and failed miserably, for as she balanced the belt and the dagger between her hands, she unceremoniously dropped both to the floor at her feet.


She glanced up to see Treyan already watching her, amusement dancing across his features. Before she could either ask for help or admonish him for laughing, he moved toward her, picked up both the fallen knife and the belt, and reached around to help her with the buckle. When he had finished with the final loop, he pulled her shirt back down over her and she again assessed herself in the mirror. Between the loose garment and her large belly, the knife was completely concealed from view.

"Just make sure you don't stab yourself when you need to use it, alright?" he teased as he straightened.

Alex could tell he was trying to make light of the situation, but by the tone of his voice and the look in his eyes, she knew Treyan was scared. A lump caught in her throat as she tried to ignore her own doubts.

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