Chapter Ten

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Every mouthful satisfied her appetite. She had to slow down so keep from making herself sick. The food was delicious, better than anything she could have eaten back home. Once her hunger was satiated, she sat back and enjoyed this moment of peace. She picked up her cup and sipped at the sweetest wine she had ever tasted, only then noticing his eyes upon her.

Treyan was watching her from over the rim of his own cup as he held it between his hands, an amused smile across his lips. The candlelight from the room played on his dark hair as it hung around his shoulders, and even the shadows couldn't tame the brightness of his eyes. Had he been watching her eat the entire time? She suddenly met his gaze, smiling shyly. "What?"


She leaned up with her cup now, her cheeks flushing as she hid behind her glass. "What about me?" she finally asked, trying her best to swallow her next sip without choking.

"This all suits you, and very well."

"What, me sitting in a robe, stuffing my face with food?"

"Well yes, I suppose that, too," he mused. "But no, I mean all of this." He motioned around them. "You being here. This is how it was meant to be for a while now, and I am glad that it has finally come to fruition."

He raised his glass to toast.

She sat still, watching him. "You've been waiting for me for some time, but exactly how long?"

She saw him swallow.

"You're referring to what Reylor said."

She nodded.

"I have known of you for some time, Alex," he confirmed, his blue eyes still on her. "And Reylor was correct. I was watching you for a year, maybe longer, before I finally decided it was time to deliver you to the Empire."

The tone in his voice was enough to let her know he was as uneasy about admitting it as she was actually hearing it, and she took another sip of her wine while she tried to control the thoughts running through her mind. "So, how does this work, anyway?" she asked as she brought her legs up underneath her. "The whole predestined...prophecy...thing. The knowing me—knowing of me."

"I suppose you could call it exactly what it is. A prophecy. The Prophecy of Fire and Light." Treyan took a sip of his wine and leaned back in his chair. "I'm sure you remember that rather large book you came upon in the library?"

She nodded as she took another sip of wine.

"That book is better known as the Annals. Within it is our Prophecy, and through its power and magic, that is what told me about you."

She perked her brow.

He smiled slightly. "If you haven't figured it out by now, you and I have been predestined since the moment we were born."

"So you say, time and time again," she muttered, scowling. "Are you ever going to ask me how I feel about any of it?"

"How do you feel, then?"

How did she feel?

Knowing that her fate was predetermined according to a story like a fairy tale in some book didn't sit well with her. At all.

She was always one for making her own decisions and following her own path, even if they never seemed to get her very far. Despite that, it wasn't the part about a foretold relationship between she and Treyan that seemed to bother her. What straight woman wouldn't want Prince Charming coming in and sweeping her off her over-worked feet? Wealth, a palace, a title, a handsome prince who would do anything for them—wasn't this what everyone who was jealous of Kate Middleton wanted? Not that Alex believed in fairy tales. Even if she was living in one now. Sure, she hadn't had a chance to get to know Treyan, and all but flipped her shit with the insinuation of marrying him. And yet she felt like she'd already known him for years, and perhaps the same was reversed for him, especially if he had known of her for so long already.

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