2 Years Later

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Lucy POV

They brought a little girl in the room with me today. It surprised me, though I didn't show it on my face. I lost the ability to use expressions a while ago. She started to cry in a corner not yet seeing me.

I got up and walked to her. I picked her up and hummed a soothing song to help her calm down. She stopped crying and she asked me a question.

"I'm sorry if I bothered you, but who are you?"

"Lucy Heartfilia, I'm 6."

"Well nice to meet you, I'm Wendy. I'm 3 I have sky dragon slaying magic, but I was taken from Grandine before I finished my training."

"Well I'll look after you and protect you for as long as I live. The bad things you are forced to do I will do them for you, understand?"

"Yes, can I call you Mama?"

"Sure, Wen."

The stupid woman that has been keeping me here came into the room, her ugly purple hair swaying as she attempted a sexy walk. She walked up to the cage she put us in and dragged us to the lab.

"Test subject 15267, This 6 months DNA will be: Dragon DNA."

I have gotten 5 DNA experimental transfers.
I got: Tiger, Wolf, Fairy, Angel, and Demon.

"New Test subject number 15628 will be getting DNA: Fairy."

She walked up to us with two different colored syringes. One was blood red and the other was light blue.

I was stabbed with the blood red one. I looked at the woman with no emotion because I knew she was trying to hurt me deliberately. She would sneak to my cell every now and again and torture me, she would always mumble about how she hated that I was prettier than her. I mean for Pete's sake I'm a kid do you think I could help my good genes.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard my new daughter scream with so much agony.
I don't know why, but I snapped.

"I will kill ever last one of you bastards for hurting what belongs to me. I will bathe in your blood for the crime you have committed today!!"

Then the effects of my shot started to kick in. I didn't scream though. I had to stay strong for my Wen. Plus, I'm not going to give them the satisfaction of seeing me screaming and begging for the pain to go away.

~Time skip~

I woke up I an arena with Wendy right beside me.

'Well, this is new' I thought.

"Mama, do you know where we are and why we are here?"

"No I don't Wen, and I don't like the bad feelings it is giving me either."

Just then a built man walked out of an opening on the side of the arena. He looked at us and smirked.

I just looked at him with a blank expression. Then all of a sudden a light purple barrier made its way across the opening of the arena closing off open escape routes. Some words appeared on the dome.

This is a match to the death
If the man wins he gets what he came here for.
But if the two little girls win they will have a hot meal everyday for 6 months.

Well I guess we will have to defeat him.

"Oi, I don't like your face so can you just forefit and we could all leave the arena happy and alive?" I said.

"Tough luck kid. I want that money and if it means bashing some brats that's exactly what I will do." The gruff man said.

"Fine." I huffed.

He ran towards us, but before he could touch me I kicked him in to face. He flew back to where he started from. I could tell then and there that he just got mad.

He sprinted full fore at me and tried to attack me multiple times. He landed some hits, but they were never full hits. Out of nowhere he punched me in my ribs. Hard.

I flew to a wall on the left side of me. I got up slowly only to see him making his way to Wendy.

I ran in front of her and released my anger out on him. He was down for the count.

Me and Wendy just stared at the man that was struggling to get up.

All of a sudden I hear the ugly woman speaking on a microphone.

"You stupid brat what are you waiting for kill the idiot!!"

Wendy walked up to him and changed into her new magic form The Sky Fairy. She took off her cloud shaped hair clip and sprinkled some blue Fairy dust on it and it became a dagger.

She raised it above her head and said, "I'm sorry, but I won't let Mama down."

I grabbed her hand before she could bring it down.

"Wendy I want you to close your eyes and ears, okay?"

"Why Mama?"

"Because you remember what I said this morning. I said, 'the bad things you are forced to do I will do them for you' I meant that so sit down turn around close your eyes and ears, okay?"

"Yes Mama."

She did as told. I changed into my Demon Form and held my silver scythe up high.

I started to sing a lullaby so as to drown out the man's screams.

When you think that you are all alone

Just think of me as your home

When you think you don't have a friend

I'll be there for you til the end

Cause you light up my days

And you brighten up my nights

You are there for me and I'm there for you

Through and through

I'm always hear for you.

As I ended the song I also finished ending his life. His blood splattered all over me.

I turned back into my normal form and turned to find Wendy sleeping. I picked her up while the butt ugly woman came and took us back to our cage with the food there waiting for us.

I will forever take care of what's mine, cause without her I know I would go crazy.

I leaned over Wendy and said, "I will forever protect you my little cloud." I gave her a kiss on her head and she smiled in her sleep, then went to sleep myself.

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