Chapter 16

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Boomer on his couch as he pressed to the phone to his ears. He was listening to Brick scream in the phone, since he was the closest to their father, and Boomer just stayed silent. The blonde male had tears prickle in his eyes as he dropped the phone from his ears.

"Boomer!" Brick yelled as Boomer wiped the tears away from his eyes as he grabbed the phone and pressed the end button.

He jumped from the couch and ran towards his room as he slipped on his jacket then his shoes. Boomer slipped a beanie over his hair as he ran outside of his home. He didn't care if his door was opened, because he knew that his bodyguards would close it.

Boomer ran out from his gates as he ignored the fans screaming for his name, he ran all the way towards Bubbles' house, which was about two miles away. His legs was killing him, telling him to stop, but he can't stop. He was feeling something, and something was telling him to run to Bubbles' house.

He grabbed at the door knob and began to beat on the door as he tried shaking the doorknob. His blue eyes was widening as he saw no lights was on. Boomer stepped back as he rammed his shoulder on the door and groaned as pain exploded from his shoulder as he crashed on the ground.

"Fuck," Boomer hissed as he sat up and rubbed his shoulder as he rubbed the tender area.

He stood up as he looked around the dark house, and heard nothing moving. His cheeks had dried tracks as he yelled and punched the wall. He slide down, letting his knees hit the hard floor, as he screamed and began to kick the ground.

"Why?" Boomer asked as he fell down and let out heavy breaths and gripped at his hair. He knew that he was acting like a baby but he was lost the one person who seemed to calm him down and didn't care what others thought of him.

After getting the news from Brick he was numb, knowing that two people that he cared about was in the hospital, his father and Bubbles, he didn't want to believe that she was. He wanted her to be home dancing to some stupid pop song, but no she wasn't here.

Boomer pulled himself off the ground as rubbed his neck and closed his eyes. He wasn't tired from all that running but he knew if he ran towards the hospital the paparazzi would get a picture and say that something else happened, which Boomer wasn't looking forward too.

Instead he called for his driver as he waited at Bubbles' house. Boomer rubbed his face as he walked towards her sink and turned on the cold water. He sighed as he placed his hands under the water and pressed his wet hands to his face, wiping away the dried tears.

Boomer climbed inside his private SUV and he placed his hand over his eyes as he groaned. He didn't want anyone know that he was crying, after all these years of making his bad boy image he didn't have time to cry, he wasn't weak.

He was full of anger and distress that he didn't need to cry. He looked up and saw the hospital coming into view as he sighed and nodded towards the driver then made his way out of the SUV and walked inside the hospital and shoved his hands in his pockets.

Boomer hated coming here, he felt out of place. Sure he wasn't a punk, but he is considered as one. He made his way towards the front desk and his dark blue eyes waited for the older male look his way.

"Yes?" He asked in his gruff voice as Boomer gripped onto the fabric inside his jean pockets.

"I'm looking for Bubbles Williams," Boomer replied as he the man typed on the screen then his dark brown eyes looked towards him.

"Are you family or spouse?" He asked as Boomer chewed the inside of his cheek as he flashed a smile.

"Boyfriend." Boomer let out as the man told him the room and Boomer walked towards the room, trying to think of what he was going to say.

Boomer took a deep breath as he looked towards the door and his took one hand out of his pocket and reached for his doorknob as he chewed his bottom lip. What was he going to say to her, what was he going to do, or what was he going to see!

He shook the thoughts away as he opened the door and saw the blonde girl staring blankly towards the screen with her arm wrapped up in gauze. Boomer closed the door and walked next to her as he saw she was watching some eighties sick com as he cracked a smile.

"I always hated watching these things," Boomer said with a chuckle as he shoved his hands in his pockets. "They were so predictable." He said as he looked towards Bubbles who grabbed at her gauzed hand and looked away from him.

"What?" Boomer spat as Bubbles looked towards him with blind eyes.

"Why are you here?" She asked as Boomer was taken surprise. "Shouldn't you be with your family?" She said so coldly as Boomer raised his eyebrow towards him.

"Why would I? My old man never liked me, so I'm not going to shed tears for him." Boomer replied as Bubbles scoffed as Boomer narrowed his dark blue eyes towards her. "Why are you in here?" Boomer asked as she shrugged her shoulders.

"Burned myself." She replied as Boomer widened his eyes and his jaw dropped.

"Are you okay?" Boomer asked as she turned towards him.

"Why do you care?" She spat as Boomer was taken back.

She was acting cold and Boomer didn't like it. He ran towards her house to make sure she was okay, has a large bruise growing on his shoulder, and he's skipping out on his family whenever he knew that they needed him. Just to see her. Boomer was angry, angry that she wasn't smiling at him or telling him some cheesy line from a stupid movie, no she was acting cold.

Like how they was before they was becoming friends.

"Seriously?" He asked as he glared towards her as she flipped through the channels, ignoring the blonde as Boomer frowned. He listened to her click on the remote, he groaned as he grabbed the remote then tossed it towards the wall, which caused it to bust.

"What the hell?!" Bubbles yelled as Boomer glared and pointed towards a finger at her.

"You! I almost broke my shoulder to get inside your house to check up on you, I literally lied to the nurse man out there, and ignoring my family to check up on you! And this is how you acting towards me?" Boomer yelled as his face was glowing red from anger as he threw his hands in the air. "What the hell is wrong with you? You're acting like the a bitch, like the queen of bitches!" Boomer yelled as Bubbles flinched at the remark.

"Then get out!" Bubbles yelled as Boomer stepped back as she glared towards him. "I didn't ask for you to do those things, I didn't ask for you to break in my house, I didn't ask you to lie to that man, and I didn't ask for you to ignore the family! That was all you! So how was it all me?" Bubbles yelled as she swung her legs over the bed, hissing as she tugged at her IV needle as Boomer glared and moved towards her.

"Really? After I spilled my guts to you? Told you how I really felt about everything going on in my life, and you want me get out?! Don't you know that it hurts me more than your stupid burn!" Boomer yelled as he threw his hands in the air as Bubbles rolled her eyes.

"Then why are you yelling at me!?" She asked as Boomer glared towards her.

"Because I love you!" Boomer yelled as Bubbles' jaw dropped as Boomer arms fell limp by his side.

"I didn't mean to sa-" Bubbles cut him off by slamming her lips on his. 

Heyyo My Cocoians!!!

What we thinks??? Boomer?? Bubbles??? Boomubbles fight?? And kiss??? Welps tell me your thoughts!!! Also if you love the ship Rarijack (RarityxAppleJack from MLP) then check out my new story Rich Girl!!! 

Wells Byes Loves Y'alls!!!!!!!!

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