Chapter 12

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"So," Riley said as Bubbles pushed up some lettuce on her plate as she sighed and her blue eyes looked up to meet his brown eyes. "What made you wanna act?" He asked as she put her fork down and straighten her blue skirt.

"I liked the thought of being someone else." Bubbles said with a shrug of her shoulders.

"Oh." Was all Riley said as they looked around.

It was awkward, needless to say. Bubbles didn't know what to say to the brunette, but she knew that it wouldn't be so easy as it is to talk to Buttercup and Blossom, since she actually knew what to say to them.

She was relieved when Riley wanted to leave, since she also wanted to leave, but not be near him. She was actually really happy to see Abel crazy self, since it would make it less awkward whenever they film, since they don't really have to date.

They got inside the car, with some pictures being taken of them, and they headed back to the studio. They was late, and they both knew that Abel hated whenever people was late, since he felt like he needed to get scenes finish so they could release the movie and he could make more movies, since they was his passion.

They climbed out of the car then rushed towards the studio, seeing Abel smashing a cup of tea and his brown eyes stared over towards the two teens then rushing over grabbing both of their wrist.

"You know there's time!" Abel exclaimed as he lead them towards the makeup tables and he crossed his arms waiting for reply but soon as Bubbles opened her mouth, he cut her off. "Time is time! And we follow that time be-. I need more coco!" Abel yelled as he lost his train of thought about time, and some male came up and gave him his coco.

"Your late." Boomer hissed as Bubbles looked over and saw him sitting at the table with his knuckles wrapped up.

"I know," Bubbles said as Boomer nodded with a glare then turned back towards the mirror and Bubbles frowned. "Are you ok-."

"Don't talk to me." Boomer snapped as Riley looked over at the fighting blondes and Bubbles frowned as the make up brush was brought on her face and her blue eyes looked over towards Boomer as he stood up to put on his clothes.

"We're filming the scene whenever Brooke and Taylor begins to fight!" Abel said as he named Bubbles and Boomer's characters and Boomer huffed as he walked towards his place and grabbed the prop he needed and Bubbles saw her hair was let down, only letting some waves down and she stood up to walked over towards her place.

"Action!" Abel yelled, while throwing down his cup of coco.

"Taylor!" Bubbles yelled as she walked towards him and Boomer rolled his eyes and threw the color towards Riley as he turned towards Bubbles.

"What?" Boomer asked as he crossed his arms.

"Where was you last night? You made me look like a fool whenever you didn't show up!" Bubbles said, referring towards the party their characters was going to go.

"I didn't want to go." Boomer said with a shrug of his shoulders as he grabbed the rope and tossed it towards Riley.

"What do you mean, you didn't want to go?" Bubbles asked as Boomer looked towards her.

"Because I didn't!" He exclaimed as Bubbles frowned and he picked up two fishing poles and looked towards Bubbles. "Why didn't you go with Brandon? You two seemed pretty close that other day." He responded as Bubbles dropped her mouth.

"Brandon? He's was just a friend." Bubbles said as Boomer laughed and climbed in the boat and nodded towards Riley.

"Just go away Brooke," Boomer said with venom in his voice while glaring over towards Bubbles as he sighed. "I'm fishing." He said as Riley turned on the boat and Bubbles widened her eyes as they drove off, which wasn't really far, since they didn't need to go that far.

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