Glamour Crafts

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Hey everyone it's Carley345 and I'm here with the craft of the month!!! Today we will be making fishtail bracelets!!! Here's how to do it:

How To Do It:

If you know how to do a fishtail braid to your hair, then you pretty much know how to make this bracelet. But for those of you who don't know about the fishtail and those of you who are curious about the logistics of my specific bracelet, well, read on!You will need:

* embroidery/friendship threads in various colors

*some tape

*and a bead

Let's Get Started!

I used nine threads in nine different colors. You can do this with whatever color variety you want. My strands were about three feet long each. Gather them together and fold them in half. Twist the folded part of the thread and tape both of the sides onto a hard surface so that it won't get tangled together. Now where you twisted the top part, tie it around your finger and tie a knot.

Wrap the left strand over the right strand and wrap it behind the right strand. Then pull the end through the loop you've created and pull it into a knot. It should look somewhat like a tie. Tape the top down to keep the bracelet stable. Start by grabbing one color from the right side and pull it to the middle. Pull the same color from the left side. Now take the right side string and pull it to the left group of colors. Do vice versa with the left strand. Now pull the two groups towards the top to tighten the design. Now repeat those steps again until you have done all nine colors (Or however many colors you want to do). It will look messy at first, but it will straighten up. After you have done that, you can either create the same color pattern or go at random. If you do it randomly, remeber to still take the thread from the outside. When you've braided as much as you needed, twist the two groups inward (Towards each other) and tie a knot. And another knot. After you have done that take your bead and thread it up to the knot and tie it or, you can take another peice of thread and thread it through the bead before tying a knot. Then you can thread it trhough up to the knot and take the bead strand, tying it around the bracelet strands. Tie two knots underneath the bead and cut off the access string. There you have it! Stayed tuned for more crafts!

Glamour Teen Magazine-Issue 1-September 2013Where stories live. Discover now