There is a place where sidewalk ends

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(not edited) 


"Doctor, Is broody all right?" the little girl said tears welled up in her eyes clenching her teddy bear as if her life depended on it. It is so heartwarming to see the love in the eyes that people have for animals now. The world sure is changing. I offered her a smile and ruffled up her hair," yes, kiddo. He'll be all fine in no time." I bent down to my table, took out the paper from notepad and searched for the pen that I remember worked. "Ms. Harper, I am writing down the medicines, you can get these from the pharmacy next door. These first two are to be taken in morning and this last one at night, preferably mixed with food and in a week he will be good to go. If these don't work, come again with the prescription. It makes the work easy." I handed over the paper to her. "Thank you, Dr. Woods," she said. I helped the little Labrador down the platform. The little girl laughed as he licked her face wagging his tail affectionately. "You're welcome." I could still hear the giggles of the little girl even after the door closed. Happiness is contagious, isn't it? I had my small clinic, simple and professional with monochrome dominating the whole place. I have worked very hard to attain this normal life. I am not an adventurous kind of person what I want is stability. "Chris! Do we have more appointments today?" I called my receptionist cum assistant, Christopher Pearson. Blonde curly hair, baby blue eyes, noble like face, he looked like a Prince from your old fairy tale only a white horse was needed to complete the picture. Well a werewolf on top of a horse would sure be interesting. and that helped my business a lot. I mean you will always find girls trying to catch his attention by bringing their dogs for vaccination, even if they didn't belong to them. But who am I to complain anyway? "Yes, we do but half an hour later. Till then we are free. Wow you look bummed today?" he sat on the stool while offering me 'World's Best Doc' coffee mug he got me on my birthday. "Thanks, I really need it." He kept his 'World's Hottest Assistant' mug on the table with a thud which splattered his coffee on table a bit. "What the heck, Chris?" I searched for any damaged paper and sighed peacefully as I found none. "I am sorry! It was just- I was just URRRGH I don't know what I am saying!" "Easy boy, no harm done," I chuckled at his little panic attack. He held his curls in his hand as if trying to figure out the password of the computer that isn't yours. Suddenly his phone rang breaking him out of his reverie. He begrudgingly took the phone and murmured a faint hello, which judging from his scrunched face was his mother. He didn't live with his mother due to some family problems. I was curious but I didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable. After all who am I to ask when my past still continues to haunt me? Let it go, Veronica. Don't relive your nightmares with your eyes open. Live for your future not past'. I heard raven speaking, my wolf. After the incident ten years ago it seemed we had exchanged our roles, now she was the wise one. I think she was hurt a lot more I was back then which made her mature, sometimes a little too mature for my comfort. I thought time was the best healer, but some scars run so deep that they haunt you for life. I didn't know I was so lost in thought until I noticed a white hand waving back and forth. "Man, you sleep with your eyes open." He chuckled as he gulped his coffee in one go. "What's the rush?" I asked. I guess I was too lost to catch on any talk. "Ah that! Mom wants me to talk about something, I don't know what and since it's your last appointment I won't be coming back today don't know how much time that witch will take." He packed up his laptop and some papers and waved me a good bye and went off. 'Must be an emergency,' I thought. I picked up the mugs and placed them in the sink instinctively glancing up the clock to find only 10 minutes are left. The breaks are never enough. 'I don't know why but I don't feel very good today'.' 'I agree, I feel a little restless today, like something is going to happen. Something we won't like.' I hope Chris is safe though. Suddenly I heard the phone ringing, heck where is it? I hope it don't stop ringing before I reach it, I rummaged the papers on the table and found it behind the pencil stand. I quickly tap the green button, "hello?" I heard the muffled up cry, I glanced up the phone to see the number, and it was Luna's. "Luna, please calm down. Take deep breaths Luna. What happened? I could hear her sobs and her breaths. Finally, after what seemed like eternity she spoke," My brother, h-he is dying, please help him. Please, only you can do it, Vero." 'Oh my god, not this again' 'I can't go back there. I don't have the strength veronica.' 'But we owe Luna a lot, Raven! How can we back out now! It is tough for me as well but nobody can treat the pack doctor now when he himself is injured.' 'I am confused'. 'I need you; Raven and we have to do it. We will come back as soon as he is all right.' 'Fine, make it quick', "H-hello V-Veronica?" "Yes Luna. I am coming." I cut the phone off and called Chris to cancel the appointment and the appointments of coming two days. 'Just two days'.' Yes, just two.'   


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