Chapter 5

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There he was. Harry, in a tuxedo, with a rose in his hands. I could've melt just by his beautiful appearance.

"Oh, hey!" I said smiling.

"Hello gorgeous, got you a little present"

he said whilst handling me the rose.

"Aw, how sweet of you! Thank you." I answered happily. I looked at him again. He was smiling at me.

"So.. can I come in or do you want to spend our evening here at your door?" he joked.

"Ow yeah, sorry. Come in!" I said, opening the door wider.

"What a nice flat" he complimented, then turned around to face me.

"Thanks! But it's nothing special, really."

"Sure it is. Do you live alone?"

"Yeah, I do. I think it's nice. No noices. Best place to study." I said smiling at him.

"I bet"

Then there was silence. He just continued looking at me with his seducing smirk. I got uncomfortable.

"umm.. is something wrong, Harry?" I asked.

"Oh no, sorry. I guess I was just mesmerized by your breathtaking appearance."

I blushed. He knew exactly how to get a girl in abashment. I smiled at the ground.

"where are you taking me tonight?" I asked, leaning against the door.

"To a fantastic restaurant. The food their is incredible."

"No restaurant is THAT amazing" I said laughing.

"Except this one. After dinner you'll want me to take you there every day" he said winking at me. I chuckled.

"You're ready to go?" he asked while he opened the door for me.

"Yep" I said, grabbing my pocket.

As we reached his car and took our seats, I heard my phone vibrating in my pocket. I tried to ignore it but Harry seemed to notice.

"Won't you answer your phone?" he smiled.

"Oh.. yeah" I opened my pocket and took out my phone. It was a text from Chloe.

- Sorry if I bother. I shouldn't tell you this rn but I just met your Ex at our favourite bar and he said he's still not over you. Thought I let you know.

What. I couldn't believe my eyes. My Ex, who has left me 2 months ago for some chick was still into me? Chloe knew exactly that I still had feelings for him. But why now?

"Is everything alright, Sophie?" Harry asked whilst driving the car.

"Everything's good, thanks." I lied.

I stopped myself from thinking about the message I just received and started to concentrate on Harry instead.

Then we reached the restaurant.

"umm.. I forgot to tell you. Don't mind the paparazzi, alright?"

Alright? Nothing about that was alright. Paparazzi taking pictures of me? Together with Harry? I wasn't sure how to feel about that.

"Harry, I -"

"Sssh, it's ok. Just keep your eyes on the ground and I'll guide you to the entrance."

I looked at him, still unsure how to feel about the whole situation. But I gave in and nodded.

Harry did as he told. He opened the car door for me and guided me to the entrance. Thank god there weren't many paparazzi. Harry helped me out of my jacket and we sat on one of the vacant tables. I let my eyes skim my surrounding. It was a beautiful atmosphere. It was getting dark outside, so there were burning candles on each table. I supposed it was a very expensive restaurant, maybe that's why I've never been here before.

"I hope you're hungry" Harry finally spoke.

"I actually am" I responded.

"Then take a look at the menu" he gave me the menu card. I flown over it but I couldn't decide what to pick.

"struggled, are we?" he smirked. "let me order for you"

"alright, go ahead" I said smiling.

He ordered for us and when the waiter left he leaned his elbows on the table and started grinning at me.

"What's so funny?" I said embarrassed.

"Nothing" he said. "I just think its pretty cool that we've met yesterday at a club and now we are sitting here at my favourite restaurant."

"Yeah" I said, unsure about what to reply to his statement.

"I need to get to know you a bit more, if that's ok for you?"

I was about to answer when the waiter came back with our food and drinks.

I looked at the plate placed in front of me.

"A pizza?" I asked floored, "Seriously I think I could have ordered this on my own"

"Sorry, Sophie. I'm not that good at picking food either" he said between laughter.

"So.. to come back to what I asked you. How about I ask you some questions and you'll answer them?" he said while he started eating his pizza.

"sure" I said, a bit nervous of what to come.

"do you have siblings?"

"Yes. One older brother. He's 21"

"How come you already have a own flat?"

"I had to have a place where nobody could disturb me while I'm studying. So my dad suggested me I should get my own flat. But my parents only live 5 minutes by foot away from me."

He nodded, giving me a sign that he ingested what I told him.

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

I ossified. I didn't think he would ask me this kind of questions.

"ermm.. no I don't." I said nervously.

"Good" he smirked.

"Do you, emm.. do you have a girlfriend?"


I smiled.

"Are you in love with someone?"


He laughed.

"Is here someone else I could have asked instead? "

"Sorry stupid me. No I'm not"

"Alright. I guess we should finish our food now ere it gets cold"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2013 ⏰

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