Chapter 2

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As I found Chloe already sitting in her car, I quickly opened the car door and sat next to her in the passenger seat.

"Chloe what happened?!" I asked trying to see her face which was impossible because her hair sank in front of her face. I heard her sobbing. "Chloe answer me, what happened!" I said in a loud tone.

"Remember the guy I was dancing with when you went to get some drinks?" She asked, slowly lifting her head in my direction.

"Yeah. What did he do?"

"He tried to...he wanted to do awful things to me" she respond. Tears ran down her face. I opened my arms and hugged her.

"It's okay", I said, trying to calm her a bit.

"You're safe now."

She said nothing and tried to wipe away her tears. "Let's just go to your flat, ok?" she said, while she started the engine.

As we arrived at my house and opened the door to my flat, Chloe ran to my sofa and laid herself down.

"Who's been the boy you were dancing with?" she said, winking at me.

"Ohh, Chloe. You won't believe me when I tell you" I said laughing.

She sat up a bit.

"C'mon. Tell me!"

"Okay! So the boy I was dancing with was Harry. And I mean the Harry Styles from One Direction!" I said. I couldn't even believe my own words.

"No freaking way! How the hell did you get him to dance with you like that? Did you pay him?"

"No Chloe, I'm serious! But he was as amazing as I always imagined him."

Chloe took one of my hands in hers. "Will you both meet again?" she asked looking all excited.

"Maybe. He gave me his phone number."

"He did what?! Oh my god! Text him, Soph. I bet he's already waiting!"

I had to think about it for some seconds. I was afraid.

'What if I was expecting too much? What if he just saw me as a simple flirt, nothing more?'

Whatever, I stood up from the ground and grabbed into my pocket to get my phone.

"Okay, boss. What should I write?" I joked. She laughed.

"Tell him you enjoyed the night and ask him if he did too."

I laughed and rolled my eyes. I thought it was just an awkward situation. I hated texting people first. Especially when the person was Harry Styles.

Harry's P.O.V.

'What a night' I thought to myself.

I sat in my Range Rover slowly reaching the hotel I was staying at with the boys. In my head I let the whole evening pass in review.

I couldn't stop thinking about this one girl named Sophie.

Yeah, that was her name. The name that belonged to a beautiful girl. To the girl that took my breath away.

'Gosh, man. C'mon Harry. Stop thinking about her. I bet she won't even text you' I said to myself.

I stopped on the parking place and went slowly into the hotel. As I asked for my key at the reception, I saw the boys sitting around on one of the tables in the lobby.

"Hey bro!" Louis shouted at me, "come sit down with us"

I sighed but finally gave in and sat down.

"How's been your night, pal?" Niall asked, taking another sip of his beer.

"Pretty good, thanks."

They all smiled at me and went on with their conversation.

Meanwhile I grabbed in my trouser pocket and put out my phone. Still no text message. I sighed. I knew it. How could I even be that naive?

I tried to distract myself with other things and scrolled through twitter. I loved reading stuff fans send me. They always made me feel loved and better. I was lost in thoughts when I felt my phone vibrating in my hand.

A new text message. A freaking new text message from a freaking unknown number.

'Sophie!' I thought and smiled.

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