Barry Rushmore

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SO sorry for not having it up sooner and that's so small. I've made a start on the next chapter so it should be up ASAP. If you would like me to put YOU in the story just comment below or private message me. I really love the comments I've been getting it really helps me when im writing and I find I write faster with comments... so I'm gonna stop writing this now and let you read! :)


“Should we wake her up” A voice whispered in my groggy state.

“No, she might kill us if we haven’t got a valid reason such as a massive line of Dracs attacking. Trust me I’ve tried it.” Now that must have been Frank.

“Then what should we do in the mean time I mean watching her is fun but just a tiny bit stakerish, don’t you think?”

“Yea, just a little. Wanna go and patrol encase Dracs decide that they want to kill us.”

“As long as I don’t get shot again” I heard this conversation when I was ‘sleeping’. Evedently they weren’t looking at me to well as my eyes were slightly open.

“Do you mind not talking about me like I’m not here please its very unsettling.”

“Sorry we thought you were asleep, apparently we were wrong, we bad.” Fun Ghoul said.

“Yea, you bad. So what we doing do you have to go back to the fabulous wonderful killjoys or are you staying for a while.”

“I guess I could stay here for a while...I mean if it’s alright with you that is.” He said with a small blush reddening his face, it looked kinda cute.

“Can’t see a problem with that, as long as you cook, clean, go on patrol ect. Ect.”

“No problem.  Might even be nice for a change, instead of being treated like a fucking king.”

“Don’t worry even a king wouldn’t be treated as a king here. But why do you guys done that makes people see you all as king or fabulous? Seriously what have you done that’s so great, other than try to stop BLI like the rest of us, getting killed doing so and then being brought back to life by some kind of magic button, brought to you by someone willing to risk their lives for you, for no good reason. Please explain it to me as I really don’t understand.”

“Well I-” He was suddenly interrupted by a banging at the door.

“Let me in. Fucking hell. Let me in already. Come on thunder boots let me in. I’ve given up on them, their dirt to me now. Please just open the door.” Do you remember when I said about running away from my past well this is part of it.

His names Barry. Barr Rushmore. When I was 14 he was ‘The One’. I soon realised my mistake when I found him making out with my mates sister...and then again with the schools slut and with his biology teacher and the lunch lady (don’t get why he made out with her she had this wart like thing on the side of her chin and it had hair growing out of it) and my sister and...Well you get my drift.  After a while of forgiving him as I couldn’t afford not to ( he’s a Rushmore, his dad’s a pure psycho who just happened to be the leader of a massive gang that went round killing people and robbing banks) Barry broke-up with me because I was and I quote ‘to clingy’. Massive bunch of baloney but I wasn’t  gonna argue with him as for one he’d have me killed ad for another he gave me an easy way out practically scotch free. But it also let me see the real him. The lying Motherfucker he really is.

Now he’s banging on the door wanting in, well, Karmas a bitch.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2011 ⏰

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