SLU (Small little Update)

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Its been over a month since ive uploded so... Yeaaaa. Soz its so small but whatevs. BTW if u find any spellimg mistakes plz comment below

SLU (Small little Update)

We found a small cave along a long rock face in zone 3. In the morning it was quiet as there were no Dracs around (a fucken big piece of luck may I say).

“Do you know who you’re named after?” I asked Frank as we sat eating some of the beans I had brought with me.

“My mum said I’m named after my father but that makes no sense as my Dads names Bob so I don’t know really.” He replied thoughtfully chewing.

“Does your Dad have a middle name?”

“Martin so that’s not it either... maybe he’s not my real father but he’s the one who looked after me so that’s what he’s to me.”

“Your mother only ever had one other boyfriend. But I can’t remember his name. Maybe it was Francis or something.” I said with a shrug.

“What’s that over there? The white thing?”

“Holy mother of fuck, get in the car.” Frank looked like he was going to interrupt me by saying something stupid like why. “Just do it now!!!” He ran as fast as he could to the car while I shot at the Drac. How had they found us and why? We hadn’t done any thing... yet. I quickly got in the car and sped away

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