A Bit About Me ft. My Brother

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So basically my brother and I decided we'd write kind of an autobiography about myself and see how our opinions differ on me and also giving you guys some info. So for the sake of simplicity my thoughts will be bolded and Alex's will be italicized

So for starters some basic background information on me, My name is Jeremy (Obviously) but usually people call me Jer or my best friend in the entire world calls me JerBear and she is the only one I will ever let call me that. I am 19 years old and I've lived In Canada my entire life. In the fall I will be moving to Dublin, Ireland at live with Avery (coincidentally the one that calls me JerBear). I've played the drums for 11 years and I will hopefully be playing in Ave's boyfriends band. 

My dad left when I was 14 and it's always just been Alex, my mum, and I. I'm a fairly confident lad on the outside but inside I'm really sweating balls most times. I have quite bad anxiety but it's gotten better over the years (yay).

When I was in 10 and 11th grade I became quite depressed and at one point was hospitalized. I'm almost 100% now though so don't worry. My brother is yelling at me to put "personality stuff thingys" down so yeah.

I guess I'm a very active guy. I love the outdoors and sports, although mostly baseball and basketball I pretty much play a bit of everything. I'm a very very very shy person but I'm great at faking it on the outside which is a plus. I use sarcasm to get me out of awkward and serious situations. I'm not a fan of serious. I would much rather joke around all day but unfortunately I can't run away from everything so I'm still a very good person to talk to I guess. 

Yeah, that's about all. I'm expecting a lot of shit talk from Alex so you've been warned.

Alright you guys. Listen closely because this is probably the only time you will hear me say this. He may be 2 years younger than me but this shit is my best friend in the entire universe. He doesn't like to talk about his feelings very often as most men don't but he is one of the strongest most caring human being I've ever met so treat him nicely or I'll kick your ass.

On the real though he talks like a fucking Irish man. I'm not kidding. If I didn't know any better I'd say he was Irish with a Canadian accent. I suppose that fact his best friend (cough ex girlfriend) is as Irish as they come doesn't help. 

I don't actually have that much to say other than he's the most insecure guy i've ever known even though he's a hot piece of shit and really with his looks I would expect him to turn out to be a douche but he seriously is completely oblivious to what he's got. Also, he's really super duper smart and I'm like the stupidest one in the family and I graduated high school with mostly A's and a few B's so fuck this.

Send him some love guys, let him know how great he is.

(Jer you asshole, I cringe at everything I just say ugh)

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