Wishing -

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Are you ready, beloved? Sebastian asks me as we prepare to enter the amphitheater. I can't answer him at the moment because I am so nervous, I can hardly breathe. It isn't fear now that incapacitates my tongue, but a desperate hope I carry inside that I look all right and will make my new family proud, doing nothing to bring shame to them. This is all so new for me–worrying about making a good impression, hoping people will think well of me–it's very disconcerting. Taking in my husband's regal attire, I marvel at how wonderful the gold shirt and burgundy vest look on him. He wears this with his standard black leather pants and I've decided leather pants must have been invented just for him because he wears them so well. His silky black hair is unbound, gently falling around his shoulders.

Sarah and Devon look amazing in their coordinating colors of forest green and gold. Sarah's long blond hair has been curled, the sides held back by two gold combs, curls flowing down her back. Devon's black hair is bound by a gold silk tie. The two make a very beautiful couple.

Finally glancing down at myself, I feel rather regal in my gown. I call the style “Victorian meets Renaissance,” because both periods are blended into one, forming the perfect gown for me. My hair is pinned high on my head while a few curls fall against my face, the rest cascading down to the middle of my back. Because of the change in my skin and eyes, I only use a little makeup now, mainly mascara and eyeliner, which is a major time saver. Still, I hope I won't have makeup meltdown and don raccoon eyes before the end of the evening.

You are absolutely beautiful, beloved. There is no one more beautiful. And you will always make us proud.

Squeezing his hand, I kiss his cheek. He knows just what to say to calm my anxiousness and I never doubt his sincerity. Taking a deep breath, I give the three my best smile. “Okay,” I say bravely, “let's do this.” Devon and Sarah quickly cover their mouths, muffling a giggle and Sebastian grins, kissing my hand.

“All right, my lady,” he says, amusement in his rich voice, “let's do this.”

* * *

Sebastian's parents enter first and we follow. Startled, I suck in a breath when the entire crowd stands and applauds us as we descend the red-carpeted steps. Feeling Sebastian squeeze my hand gently, I lift my smiling eyes to his, completely comforted by the overwhelming love I feel radiating from the citizens of Challis. Little children stand with their parents, cheering with young voices as we make our way to the seats reserved for us in front, close to the stage. Before we sit, Sebastian and I turn to the crowd and wave for a moment, wanting the people to know we gratefully acknowledge their love.

When we are finally seated, a distinguished looking man come out on stage and welcomes us with a speech that touches our hearts. He shares the gratitude of the people for our arrival and pronounces a blessing upon our marriage–a blessing of hope and happiness. Then he pays a special tribute to Sebastian for diligently fulfilling his calling as my guardian, my protector, and my true mate, to which the crowd responds with thunderous applause. Sebastian's eyes meet mine, our love for one another shining through our mutual gaze.

Our host ends his remarks and the program begins.

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