Wishing -

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Scanning the room once more, I decide I have everything I need. I am zipping up the last of the three large suitcases when my protector enters the bedroom that had briefly belonged to me. The thought of abandoning it renews my sadness. It is strange to feel so attached to this place when my life had been threatened here. But I quickly remind myself that this is not a vacation, that I'm literally running for my life and his job is to protect me. Being with him has allowed me to briefly forget that at times.

“I have what I need,” I tell him. I can tell by his expression he is just as sad about having to leave the beautiful island. In the brief time we've been here, we have created some wonderful memories, but I will take them with me, and I know he will as well. He presses a gentle hand to my cheek.

“We will begin again and make new memories.”

I smile. “I know.”

Somehow he grabs all three suitcases and I follow him out, pausing to take everything in one last time. He locks up the house and we begin our walk down the cobbled path through the tree tunnel. When we reach the dock, he helps me into the boat, then puts my luggage in, placing it next to a couple of boxes he'd loaded earlier. He starts the engine and steers away from the island.

Venice is so beautiful at night. The city is alive with festive lighting, making the elegant old buildings stand out even more. The city lights shine on the water, reflecting off the ripples like precious gems, and though the smell of sulfur is strong, my nose is growing used to it.

It isn't long before we enter a darkened area of the waterfront and pull up next to a dock behind a palace of apartments.

“This is it,” he says, his eyes on me as I silently take everything in.

I gaze up at the massive set of wooden doors. Above them are terraced windows and I am anticipating seeing the inside of our new residence. Not knowing for sure how long we will be here, I tell myself not to get too attached.

But once we enter the grand pillared foyer, I immediately fall in love with the place. The apartment has four bedrooms, three bathrooms, two salons, an elegant dining room, a modern kitchen, and a laundry room. Richly decorated, most of the furniture looks antique. Though I will still miss the seclusion of the island, this home speaks comfort and I'm glad to be here.

After bringing everything in, my protector leaves me to unpack while he scans the area surrounding the building. The room I choose has a balcony overlooking a private courtyard in the back. The room next to mine is identical and I am certain he will choose to sleep there in order to remain close to me. I put my clothes, cosmetics and toiletries away. Having finished, I walk over to the balcony doors and stare out into the night. The stars are veiled and the sky is thickly overcast. It looks like we are due for more rain sometime soon.

Heaving a tired sigh, I ponder the danger still looming before me. Something is after me and I still don't fully understand why. He tells me I'm important in some way, that there is something I am supposed to accomplish. And someone is after me, trying to prevent me from doing whatever it is I'm meant to do. In some ways I prefer the mundane days I had before.

But I would never trade being with him. Even if I could go back to my life before, I wouldn't. Not if it meant I would be separated from him. However, I am tired of running and I hope we can stay put for a while. Maybe I should ask him to teach me to fight so I can at least try to protect myself if the enemy should happen to find me when he is not here. Of course, I have no clue of what to even expect. Still, it wouldn't hurt to be a little prepared.

Sitting down on the bed, I pull out my wallet and stare at a photo of my parents. It had been taken a few months before my mother died. She'd lost all her hair from the chemotherapy treatments and was wearing a wig styled in a chic bob. She'd also lost a great deal of weight and was too thin, however, she was still beautiful. Her light brown complexion was flawless, her features perfect. She had a smile that literally lit up the world and was completely contagious. Though my father was also thin from weight loss due to his health, he was tall and handsome, his skin tone matching my mother's. They were always considered an attractive couple by friends and acquaintances.

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