Wishing -

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My protector hasn't come back yet and I am worried. No, I'm way past worried. Pacing back and forth in the living room, I repeatedly peek through the curtains for some sign of his return. My heart aches and I feel physical pain as my imagination runs wild, torturing me.

I don't know what I'll do if anything has happened to him. He has only been in my life for a few days, but I feel as if I have always known him. I mean, sure I still don't know his name, but that doesn't matter. He came for me, to protect me and keep me safe. For the first time ever, I know my life has importance, but it will mean nothing without him.

Forcing myself to sit in the large leather chair, I wrap my arms around my middle, trying to stop my hands from shaking, longing for comfort. My eyes drifting, I again take in my surroundings.

Various floral arrangements in tall painted vases are placed around the room and a colorful throw is draped over the arm of the tan corded sofa. A large elegant area rug covers the middle of the tiled floor. Crystal gondola figurines in various sizes sit on the mantle above the fireplace, and a large, gilt-framed mosaic painting hangs on each wall beside painted masks. Like the rest of the house, the room has an understated elegance that is both comforting and inviting.

Until tonight, I have enjoyed the beauty of the house. I've enjoyed it because I have been sharing it with him. Without him it would not be the same.

Please come back to me, I silently plead. You promised you would come back to me.

Leaning forward, I close my eyes, pressing my face in my hands, praying he will return soon unharmed. From the moment he walked out the door, I've felt more alone than I ever have before, and every moment he is gone, my pain and fear increases.

I am fine, cara.

His voice suddenly flows into my mind, causing a slow warmth to pierce my fear. I feel him drawing near.

The sound of the front door unlocking momentarily startles me. Then it opens and his voice is caressing my name. In the next moment, I am wrapped in his arms. I cling to him tightly, never wanting to let him go.

“I was so worried,” I whisper against his chest.

“I am unharmed,” he murmurs, leaning down, pressing his face into my hair. “No matter what, I will always come back to you, and I will always keep you safe.”

Heaving a deep sigh, I soak in his warmth, taking comfort in the strength of his muscular body.

After another moment, he draws back. “We will need to move to another safe place.”

“When?” I ask, disappointed. I have grown to love the island so.

“Tomorrow evening. I prepared another place, just in case we needed it.”

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