NCIS - Returning

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A tiva story about Ziva returning.

Ziva's Pov
I woke up and realized I been falling asleep with my daughter in my arms. I felt like a bad mom. Luckily, she hadn't fell down. She was still asleep in my arms. My phone rang and I reached after it. "Hi Gibbs," I said, looking down at my daughter. "Are you on your way?" He asked. "Not yet. Soon. Are you sure about this?" I replied. "Yes Ziver. You are not gonna raise a child by your own and I miss you, we miss you." He said. "I will have Abby picking you up. We got a case." He filled in. "Great. Thanks Gibbs. See you soon." I said and hung up. I had around 30 minutes to make myself ready. Most of the stuff was done. I put Alicia on the couch and went to pack the last bag. Around an hour later, I  put the two bags over my shoulders and put my jacket over one suitcase. Then put Alicia in the baby carrier. Then I took both the suitcases and rolled out. I got into the cab and he drove us to the airport. I payed him off then went through the security and checked in our bags. So far Alicia had been calm. We got on the plane and then lifted. Alicia cried and I tried to comfort her.

As the plane landed, I tried to calm Alicia from crying. I got off the plane with her and went to grab our bags. There I saw Abby standing with a huge smile on her face. "Abby," I said as she brought me into a tight hug. "I missed you so much." She breathed. "I missed you too," I said as I pulled away. "Hi sweetie, you are adorable." Abby said to Alicia who smiled. I got my bags and we walked to the car. "Do anyone else know I'm here?" I asked. Abby shook her head. "Gibbs said I wasn't allowed to tell anyone." She replied. "Thank you." I said. "May I ask why you are back? I'm really happy you are back, but it's a suprise." She said. "I can imagine that. It will be hardest on Tony, I guess. I been keeping the contact with Gibbs and he is the one who convinced me to go back here. He don't want me to raise Alicia alone." I said. "Who's the father?" She asked. "Adam... It's a long story..." I said, looking away. "We don't have to talk about it if you don't want." She said. "We are here." She continued. I let our bags be in her car and we walked to the building. I was really nervous. We got into the elevator and I felt my heart rise. As the doors opened and we walked out, I saw the whole team in the bullpen. "Ziver your here," Gibbs said as he saw me. I smiled and hugged him. "Ziva, what are you doing here?" McGee asked and hugged me. I turned around and faced Tony. He stood up and walked away. "I got it," Gibbs said and walked after him. "You must be Ellie." I said and greeted. "Yes and you must be Ziva." Ellie said with a smile. "Nice to meet you." She continued. "Likewise," I said. Alicia started babbling. "What's wrong sweetie?" I said and took her out from the baby carrier. "Who's this?" McGee asked. "My daughter, Alicia Kelly Tali." I said and tickled her. "She's adorable. But may I ask who's the father?" Ellie asked. "The father is a bad person. She's not Tony's if it's that you wonder." I said. "Why are you back?" McGee asked. "I mean, I'm really happy your back. I just wonder why you decide to come back after almost 2 years." He filled in. "Gibbs. He didn't want me to raise Alicia alone." I said and looked down at her.

Tony's Pov
I was furious. Why was she back and why did she have a baby. So many questions flew around in my head. I saw Gibbs entering. "What's wrong DiNozzo?" He said. "What's wrong? Do you know how much pain she put me through? Now she is back for who god knows! And with a child!" I yelled at him. "Alicia isn't yours if you wonder. And she isn't back because of you. She's back because I wanted her to come back and not raise Alicia alone. Alicia is Adams, it's a long story that she rather tell. I know she put you through a lot, but I know you still love her. So give her a chance to explain herself. I'm sure she has feelings for you too." He said. I was kinda speachless. I was still mad but it made a little more sense. "Fine..." I said and we walked back out to the bullpen. "Hi sweetheart," Gibbs said and picked up Alicia. I hadn't seen him that happy for a long time. "Ziva," I said. "Hi Tony, how's you been?" She said with a smile. "Good." I said with a weak smile.

Ziva's Pov
"I will drive you home. I'm sure you are tired and Alicia aswell." Gibbs said. I nodded and followed him to the elevator. "Are Tony mad at me?" I asked as the doors closed. "Yes. But give him time, he will come around." He said. We got the bags out of Abby's car and Gibbs drove me home to his house, where I was staying. "Are you alright?" He asked when we got inside. I turned around to him. "Honestly, no, not really. It feels like everyone is mad at me and don't want me here." I said, sitting down on the couch. He handed me Alicia and sat down beside me. "I think it's a huge suprise for them. You have to understand it been 2 years since you left and nobody been in contact with you." He said and wrapped an arm around me. "Trust me, they are happy you are back. It was a mess the first couple of months without you. They just need time to process that you are back." He continued and kissed my forehead. I smiled. "Need to go. See you later kid." He said and stood up. I went upstairs and found Gibbs had made a room for me. He had even made a crib to Alicia and some other stuff. I fed Alicia and put her in the crib. She quickly fell asleep. I took up the bags and unpacked them, made myself at home. I grabbed my phone and sended a text to Tony. I knew I shouldn't push him, but I needed to clear some things.

At lunch time I heard the door open. I figured it was Gibbs but got suprised when I saw Tony. I stopped playing with Alicia and stood up. "I'm glad you are here." I said and sat down on the couch. "Listen, I know, I put you through hell and back. I don't know what Gibbs told you. But I'm back because of him. I don't want to cause you any pain. I'm sorry for causing you the pain I did." I said. "You know, I was furious when you showed up today. It took me months to move forward. I was a mess for a long time. Gibbs told me that. It calmed me. But I'm still mad at you. You didn't answer nor return on any of my calls or messagers. The worst part is knowing you kept contact with Gibbs but shut me completely out." He said, taking a breath. "But I'm not here to yell at you. Even if it hurts me that you are back, it also makes me happy. I missed you, I can't deny that. But there are some things to clear out, for instance Alicia." He said, looking at her on the floor, playing. "You have all right to stay mad at me. Alicia, she is 1 year old, and not yours. But I figure Gibbs already told you that. She is Adams but it's not what you think. Some month after you left Israel, I ran into him. He wasn't thrilled to see me, even less to hear about you and me. We started fighting and that led to other things. Which ended up with me being pregnant and he dead. Even though, I didn't want to do abortion." I said. "Are you telling me, he raped you?" He asked. I gave a nod. "And you killed him?" He asked. I gave another nod. "I tracked him down and killed him the next day, before I even knew I was pregnant." I said, looking at Alicia. "Ziva, I'm so sorry." He said, grabbing my hand. "It's the past now and doesn't matter. What matters is that Alicia is alright and safe, and surrounded by family." I said with a smile. He smiled back. "Ziva... You broke my heart in million of pieces. But it doesn't change anything. I still love you, I will always love you. I want you. But I will need time." He said, looking straight into my eyes. "I didn't expect you to take me back after what I put you through. You will always be the man my heart belongs to." I said. We both leaned closer, he cupped my face and we kissed. We pulled apart and I smiled. "I should get back to work," he said. Before I had a chance to reply, he was out through the door. I sat down on the floor and continued to play with my daughter.

Gibbs's Pov
It been a couple of months since Ziva returned. It felt great that she was back. I got my daughter back home and a granddaughter. Everyone had come around with her being back. I'm happy that she and Ellie had become good friends, and that she and Tony had cleared things out and moved forward in their relationship. When I look at them, I see me and Shannon, and Kelly.

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