the ordinary life of DD Bennet Chapter 3

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When we got to school the next day Drew's ex-girlfriend Amanda came over to us and glared at me. She told Drew that she still loved him, he said" you dated nine people other than me on the basketball team and my brother on the football team. I understand your head cheerleader but i don't care, you are not worth the agrevation and stay away from my friends." I looked at her she looked back at me and said" so you are the girl that got both brothers wrapped around your finger? you look more like a dog." All the teams came around when i said"Atleast i can keep a man longer than you can. He told me you lost him in one day and his brother the next day you ugly looking tramp who cant do anything exept talk shit on everyone. No wonder why your mom dont want you." everybody was laughing so hard tears was coming out there eyes. i walked away befor she got a word, out everybody followed me inside the school and at luch i dumped my pudding cup on her. Aron gave me his when i sat down in between him and Drew. I was giggling when i heard a girl yell at Amanda. i walked over and said" hmmwhat is the problem here?" Amanda and Linda turned around and said" nothing at all just helping Mandy with her lunch tray." Drew said" Amanda you dont help, you torture and then leave alone for the rest of the day." Aron said" Linda, you told me that you were gonna quit the cheer squador did you lie to me again." Linda said" Aron i am but i want you back first." I laughed and said" you want him back when you have that slut controling you. Linda let me help you out , Aron will see what his heart wants after you quit the cheer squad." I looked at Aron who said" yeah what she said ok. when we were leaving the cafetteria, Aron said" i dont want her back. why you say that? i looked at him and said" i wanted to give her a choice that choice is either Amanda or you. Its your choice Aron not mine. "  We went to there practices which they both were trying so hard to impress me by teaching me how to play. When we got home i was gigling about Aron falling in the dirt, i ran behind Drew befor Aron could get me.

one night i got scared and ran down stairs where i found both brothers in the living room with both teams. They all turned and stared at me with worried faces . Erick asked me what was the matter? i said" nothin just got creeped out about this letter i got about my dad." Aron asked" what it say?"  That's when i said the three words i thought i would never have to say. i said" he is dead," and i brock down in tears. they all surrounded me and said"  this is so upsetting, this is just the craziest thing i ever happened." i was still sobbing in Carlos's arms when the doorbell rang. when i got the door it was Jamie captain of the vollyball team and the rest of the teams from school. when they all came in i was shocked that i did not want to cry but it was because Troy and Vlad were making me laugh.

i heard the doorbell carlos came with me to answer the door i was surprised to see it was Linda and Amanda. Carlos  said" she dont need the crap right now Amanda so dont start." Linda said" i quit the cheerleading sqaud and i want him to dicide and Amanda wont say a word about it i swear. i called Aron who came , saw Linda and said" you quit the cheerleading sqaud then come to my house on a night that is filled with sadness." Amanda said " i heard about your father DD and i am sorry that your in grieving right now but we we need a fucking answer Aron." i screamed and said" linda you want a answer hear it is , he told me that he dont want you back but i think it was his anger but  i want him to tell you." Aron said" i want you to listen and listen good like she said i gave her an answer and i dont want you because i am in love with someone else. " Linda looked at me and said" i want to be your friend since you told me the truth, i am in all your classes and i can have you sit with me if you want." i smiled and said" sure that will be great thank you ." they came in and i said" they want me to go to japan to see if its really him but im scared to go by myself so who wants to come with? automatically Aron and drew are coming with me. Linda carlos derek and even though i hate to say it Amanda you coming or not?" they all said yes i was happy.

i called the number that was on the note and said " give us sometime and we will be there on wensday." they said"  ok we will have the private jet come get you on wensday five oclock." when i hung up i said " we leave on wensday ok guys and dont get lost in japan."Carlos spoke firstand asked" do you know where we are going?"  i said" my cusin is the prince of japan so we get a free ride and tour of japan." they were excited that we did not have to pay that they ran outside and said" i am going to japan for free."  i was laughing hard that Carlos had to hold me up from falling down but when they came back in they saw something they never thought would happen. iwas sitting on Chris's lap kissing him so he would shut up about the tragedy, i did not want to talk about it. Drew was first to get pissed he said" what the hell happened while we where outside?" i said "i started laughing with Carlos then i was pulled by chris who started talking about the death of my dad and since i did not want totalk about it i kissed him." Aron pulled me off Chris and said" DD we need to talk right now." Drew took us upstairs and said" Chris likes you in a way that even we dont understand dd we just want you to be careful." i said" so your leturing me when you dated queen bee who wanted to kill me for staying in your house. Did you understand that Chris told me that he was in love with me but, i shot him down because i fell in love with someone else so i thanked him for the concern and kissed him once."  Drew said" so do we get to know who your in love with princess?" i said " nope because if i tell then he will find out and i dont want that yet.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2012 ⏰

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