The Ordinary Life Of DD Bennet chapter 2

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i went back downstairs to watch tv when Drew came down , sat next to me and said" i saw you talking to Aron upstairs. You know he ussually does not talk to new kids but you seem to catch his eye." Aron came down and ask me  did i want to go for a ride. i said" sure." Drew looked at his brother and said" why Aron is it that everytime a girl comes over you take her out?" Aron looked at me and said" its not everytime Drew , when she looks at me i feel complete and maybe she does not want to stay in the house bro , you can come to if you want." Drew said" yeah let me get my jacket and we can go." Aron wispered " you know if you want i can take you out to dinner tonight just you and me. How does that sound.?" I blushed, smiled and said ok that sounds great." When we left the house i sat in the front with Aron driving very fast. Drew asked him where we are going . when he told him to wait and see, and thats when i started laughing because i saw this dude in spandex when they saw him they laughed to. the dude stuck up the middle finger at us, Drew and Aron got out the car. i did to , i was getting scared  for the poor guy wearing spandex. when the dude hit Drew in the head with his head, i got even more scared and ran as far as i could.

I could still see them fighting Aron jumped in it nowand nocked the dude out. Drew turned around and saw i was gone , they drove down the street and saw me sitting in a chair waiting to get picked up. When i got in the car they both looked scared and Drew said" you dont want us to fight like that in front of you do you? I looked at Drew then Aron and said " no it scares me worse than the school cafeteria." we laughed then Aron put his hand on my shoulder and said" ok princes we wont do it  anymore in fromt of you." i started to giggle cause he just used my dads nickname for me and i relaxed in the seat next to him. I was daydreaming when the car stoped i looked up and saw something i will never forget it was so huge, i thought the whole city could live in it. Aron was laughing at my facail expression and said "wanna take a look inside with me?  i see it in your eyes that you do . i wont let nothing get to you i promise." I looked ar drew who for a second  looked pissed at his brother , then looked at me and said " hey bro who owns this house."

Aron just looked at me and said" the football team does little brother, the basketball team has one to dont they bro." i looked at Drew , he smiled at me and" said yup but today is your day so show her around your happy zone so i can go home and take a nap."  As soon as we entered the building a guy came up and said" hey captian ." Thats when the dude saw me and said " whose this cute little one a cussin." Aron looked at the dude and said " take us to the rest of the team and i will tell you guys at the same time." We walked into a huge living room  all the guys turned there heads towards us. i hid behind him until he said" this is the new girl from school , she is staying at my house until her dad comes back from Japan in a month. we all are friends right and she is real shy so dont run up to  her just walk."  They came up to me one by one and said there name, there was Logan, Erik. Harry, Cameron,and james just to name a few. my favorit guy who i actually said hi to was Carlos the one who answered the door. We talked about me mostly i told him about my mom and how she was never there, that made him sad and he said" you turned out to be a great yung lady in the end though and you have us right guys." Yeah said Kendall you have us. We came out twenty  minutes  later me skipping and holding Aron's hand.  I don't think Drew liked that because he got out the car and said" what the fuck Aron ? " i stoped walking getting scared of Drew. Aron looked back at me  and said" Drew your scaring our little princess calm down. "

Thats when Drew just hit him , I ran back and knocked on the the door to the football players. They all came this time, pointed to Drew and Aron fighting, they ran and seperated the fight. I saw they were both bleeding , i walked in between the two of them , looking real sad and said" Why act like my parents befor they split up. thats the answer .  You wanna pumble one another then fine just leave me out of it."   I walked away befor they could get a word out , Aron was runing after me, i could tell it was him cause he ran faster than Drew who started after the football team let him go.

Aron caught up to me and said" i did not want to upset you ok, the next time he hits me you yell at him and i will try not to laugh ok." Drew ran up next and said" please for give me, i guess i got jelous that you were starting to like him more than me, and i know thats no excuse for how i acted and im sorry Aron." i laughed and said" the next time you guys fight i will not forgive you. Aron you owe Drew a apology to." that is when i heard boys yelling at the football team only to find out it was the basketball team. I looked at Drew who was laughing so hard he almost wet himself, i ran back to see Carlos about to fight Ben who was talking bad about Aron. Aron said" you want to say something then say it to my face not to them." I looked at Simon who was staring at me like he needed a girlfriend  bad. Dereck was shocked that i came here befor the basketball mansion thats when i said" guys stop it please i dont want to see another fight. i already seen these two fight twice . Do i have to see a third?" they all said" no you dont princess ."

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