Chapter 4

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          Ruby woke up early again and took a quick shower. She changed into an oversized black t-shirt and a pair of jean shorts. She grabbed her favorite black hoodie while making sure her contacts were in, but she paused for a moment and stared at the newly forming bags under her eyes before moving to look at her covered stomach. Sighing softly Ruby lifted up her shirt slightly so she could look at her stomach, the pain was minimal as long as she didn’t touch the new bluish bruises that were displayed. Shaking her head in annoyance she put her shirt back down and made her way downstairs to grab an apple. Vivian greeted her and Ruby mumbled in acknowledgement. “I’m going to walk to school today.” Vivian turned in surprise to tell Ruby to just wait for Linda in the others but Ruby was already walking out the door. Ruby was already in a foul mood and wouldn’t be able to listen to Linda’s irritating high pitched voice this morning, she felt bad for leaving Isabel alone with them but shook off the thought quickly before her guilt caused her to turn back.

          The sky was slightly overcast as Ruby walked to the school. When the school came into view Linda’s car drove by. The only reason Ruby knew it was Linda’s car was because of the honk she heard as the car passed by. Ruby didn't react and continued to walk until the wind started blowing in an odd manner causing her to stop. She didn't really know why but the wind calmed her down. The gentle breeze made her black hair dance gently across her face while her eyes closed and a content smile slowly began to form. Suddenly the wind stopped and Ruby sighed contently. “I love the wind…it’s just so…relaxing…and it feels so… if it detected my sour mood and wanted to help me…” Stretching slightly Ruby continued her walk to school not really wanting to be around people but sadly she had to go. After all, it was only the second day back to school.

          Ruby made it to the school with ten minutes to spare, she opened her locker and grabbed her book for class. The bell rang through the school and Ruby sighed. She really didn't want to go to any of her classes. Closing her locker she began making her way to class, well…she was until she was knocked over by none other than Briana. Ruby’s bag opened up and ended up spilling the entire contents all over the floor beside the fallen girl. Ruby groaned at the pain that pulsed through the bruise on her stomach. She slowly stood up and saw the retreating figures of Briana and her goony girls laughing like the idiots they were. Slowly Ruby stood up and started putting away her things as the bell rang. She made her way to class, sadly, she was late. So the teacher glared at her as Ruby made her way to her seat in the back corner.

          Classes passed by and soon school was over. Unfortunately for Ruby, she was tripped and shoved every time she was in the hallways. “I’m definitely going to have new bruises tomorrow…” Ruby inwardly groaned as she started heading home. On her way back though she caught a glimpse of a new store opening up. Deciding that she didn't really want to go back home she figured she would go and see what the store was all about. Upon closer inspection she realized it was a new art store. Inside the walls were lined with different sized canvases, the left side was all white ones where the right side had actual paintings done and where being sold at pretty high prices. Ruby had to admit, the paintings looked well worth the price. The place wasn’t crowded with people but there was still quite a few people. There where brushes, paint, pencils, special markers, and loads of sketch books.

          Ruby walked down every aisle looking at everything with an amazed look in her face. There were so many different things that were used for so many different reasons and yet they all looked the same with a few slight differences. Ruby stopped in front of the sketch books and ended up staring at them for a while. “She is a talented artist and at times doesn’t even realize that she’s drawing.” Skye’s voice filtered through Ruby’s head, much to Ruby’s surprise. Blinking multiple times Ruby looked at the sketch books, “Hm…why the hell not?” Ruby pawed through the books and picked out one. Once she had the book she headed over to where all the pencils and pens where sold and bought a few that she thought looked cool, she also grabbed a ‘Drawing for beginners’ book that caught her eye. After paying for everything Ruby walked the rest of the way home, she silently brushed past those she saw as she made her way to her room. When she was in the comfort of her own room Ruby tied her short hair back into a ponytail, and pulled on a pair of shorts and a tank top before she sat in her bed with her newly purchased items spread out before her.

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