Chapter Five

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Elena's P.O.V

I roll over and look at my surroundings, i have woken up in here once before. I'm in Damon's room, in nothing but a really big black button up shirt, and i feel naked underneath. Wait, naked underneath, nothing but a button up shirt? Damon! getting off his bed i walk over to the door. opening it i call out "Damon!"

"Yes Elena?" he asks

"What the hell?" i ask pointing down to my lack of clothing

"Hey, don't look at me. you started it." is all he says

"Started what?" i ask annoyed

"AHHHHHHH!" a scream comes from downstairs

"What was that?" i ask

Damon picks me up and runs us both down stairs to see a frightened Rebekah. "What are you screaming about?" Damon asks

I see a pale, brown haired girl standing near Rebekah and shuffle closer to Damon. "Who are you?" i ask her

"My name is Franceska, Rebekah here is my sister and I'm Klaus's twin sister." she says

"What are you doing here Franceska?" Rebekah asks

"Well, i heard that my lovely sister was alive again. which can only mean one thing, Klaus brought you back. Which brings me to another thing, where is Klaus?" she asks

"He is off, making more Hybrids.." Rebekah states

"He's what?" she asks

"Making hybrids." i offer

"And you are?" she asks

"I'm Elena Gilbert." i state

 "The doppelganger?" she asks "Shouldn't you be dead?"

"Uhmm.." i start

"Her blood is the key to keeping the hybrids alive." Rebekah says

"Oh." she says

"Well, Franceska are you going to start school with me today? asks Rebekah

"Your what!" i exclaim, surprised

"Starting school, i need something to do..." she says "And have either of you seen Stefan?"

"No." i say quickly

"Your lying." she says

"No I'm not, and even if a did know where he was i wouldn't tell you." i say

it doesnt take long for her to have me by my neck. "Where is he." she demands trying to compel me

"I don't know." i reply

she puts me down and i walk back over towards Damon who has an angry look on his face. "Lets go Elena, you need to get some cloths." he says pulling me out of the house and into his car. minutes later we are in my bedroom and I'm looking through my closet. i grab a grey dress and head into the bathroom to get changed. walking out in my dress i grab white heels and slip them on my feet. i run a brush through my hair and straiten it before putting on a light amount of makeup. i put on the necklace that Stefan gave me last year, only because it goes good with my dress and a sliver head band just to change my hairstyle for once. i brush my teeth and I'm ready to go. Damon drives me to school and says goodbye before leaving. i meet up with Bonnie, Jeremy, Caroline, Tyler, Matt and Lacey. "Hey guys!" i say happily

"Hey Elena!" they all greet me

"So, Lacey how did you sleep last night?" i ask "Sorry i wasn't home."

"I slept good, thanks for asking, and its okay." she says "I like being by myself."

"Okay." i say

"So, Elena did you bring your change of cloths for practice?" Caroline asks

"Practice for what?" i ask

"Cheer leading?" she says questioningly

"Oh, um no.. i forgot that tryouts were today." i say a little embarrassed

"its okay, you know i always have a spare pair of shorts and tank top in my locker, you can just borrow mine." Bonnie says

"Thanks Bonnie!" i say relieved

Rebekah's P.O.V

I cant believe I'm going to a school, a school with insignificant humans, well at least i have convinced Franceska to go with me. we have all the same classes as the doppelganger. we both get dressed into school appropriate cloths and head off to school. My new last name is Camber, it means original, ironic right?

compelling the office lady to give us a schedule we head off to History class and take our seats beside each other behind the doppelganger.

"Hello class. I hope you had a great first day back, now today we have to get some review of last year in." the teacher says

he hands out small packages of worksheets and tells us to answer as many questions as we can and that it needs to be handed in at the end of class. i look down at the paper, question one, When was Mystic Falls founded and by whom? Damn! where is Stefan when i need him? Okay next question, The founding families consist of following.

A) Salvatore, Gilbert, Forbes, Lockwood.

B) Salvatore, Gilbert, Bennett, Lockwood, Forbes.

C) None of the above.

Ugh! another one i dont know the answer to... Seriously Stefan, you pick today to disappear?! Of all day's it had to be today?

Jeremy's P.O.V

"Anna, why are you here? Its the middle of school." i whisper so no one can hear me

"I'm sorry Jeremy, its just i have a bad feeling... i found this other ghost, her name is Chanty, she wants to see you." she says

"One second." i whisper putting my hand up

"Yes, Mr. Gilbert?" the teacher asks

"May i be excused?" i ask

"Of course." she says allowing me to leave

walking out of the classroom i head outside. "What do you mean she wants to see me?" i ask Anna

"She wants you to get in contact with her brother for her.." she starts

"Just let her through... cant you do that?' i ask

"No, you need to think about her. her name is Chanty, Chanty Telle." she says before disappearing

"Chanty Telle? Why does that name seem familliar?" i say to myself before heading back to class

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