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Klaus's P.O.V

He's been hiding something, i know he has. the only question is as to what it is that he is hiding, that's why Ive come back to Mystic Falls to see for myself. i watch as he tosses around in his 'sleep' before waking.

"Where are we? Klaus let me explain." he says

"Welcome back to Mystic Falls Stefan." i say opening the back of the truck

he has a look on his face of pure horror. what could that possibly mean? Well lets find out, shall we.

Stefan's P.O.V

He's going to find Elena, I cant let that happen. He will kill her... What am I supposed to do, he knows I'm hiding something. there is no possible way i cold get her safely out of Mystic Falls without her thinking that I still care. Where is Rebekah? Please tell me she's not already looking around for Elena...

Rebekah 's P.O.V

I hate this as Nik would put it, one pony place already and ive only been here about an hour, looking for whatever it is that Stefan is hiding. Is that, no it cant possibly be, Katrina Patrova? Its cant be...

walking up to this girl i pat her shoulder. she turns around

"Excuse me, do i know you?" i ask

"Uhmm.." she says

"Are you Katrina?" i ask

"No, I'm Elena. Who are you?' she asks

"Ah, my name is Rebekah. You must be the Doppelganger." i say

"Im sorry?" she asks obviously faking stupid

"Never mind then." i say turning to walk away

Just wait until i tell Nik, he is going to be very mad with Stefan, and that bitch is wearing MY necklace!

Elena's P.O.V

Sitting at the bar in the grill with Caroline and Bonnie we sip our soda's and talk about how Bonnie's summer went. It was honestly terrible not seeing her, in person ALL summer. Even though i was hunting down my dumb ass vampire boy -Ex boyfriend. what a waste of time. he obviously didn't want to be found. someone taps lightly but noticeably on my shoulder turning around i see a pretty blind girl maybe a few years older than me.

"Excuse me, do i know you?" she asks

"Uhmm.." is all i can say, what if she thinks I'm Katherine?!

"Are you Katrina?"  she asks

"No, I'm Elena. Who are you?' i ask

"Ah, my name is Rebekah. You must be the Doppelganger." she states

"I'm sorry?" i ask, how could she possibly know that i was the doppelganger!?

What if Klaus finds out, I'm screwed!

"Never mind then." She says turning away, leaving the grill.

I want to call out to her, but i decide against it. what if she knows that I'm not supposed to be alive? What if she tells Klaus, What if I'm her leverage? OKAY Elena CALM DOWN! I tell myself.

"Elena? Elena?" Caroline is practically yelling in my face for my attention.

"Yes?" i ask

"Have you even been listening to a word Ive said?" she asks

"yeah, senior prank night... we need to be there." i say

"We haven't been talking about that for a while now!" she says "You remember my little sister, Carmine well she is coming to stay with me and my mom."

"Aw, i remember when she was only five, then again we were only 8, but still. she was SO adorable!" i say

"Yeah, uhm you forgetting that she grew up living with my dad!" she states "Do the words Vampire Hunter mean anything to you?"

"You have to make sure she doesn't find out about the vampires in Mystic Falls. Caroline, you have to make sure she doesn't find out about you!" i say

"SO now you see my dilemma." she states sarcastically

"Why is she comming to live with you guys anyways?" i ask

"My dad is away on "business" meaning a supernatural killing spree." she says

"So then why didnt Carmine just go with him?" asks Bonnie

"That's a long story." she says "Now we need to start planning on what were going to do for prank night."

Klaus's P.O.V

Breaking Stefan's neck for the millionth time today, i still cant get over the betrayal. How can the doppelganger still be alive. this is what he has been hiding. Rebekah told me herself of what she saw, the doppelganger, wearing her necklace. But how can this be possible;e, unless that Bennet witch had something to do with it. leaving Rebekah with Stefan to wait for him to come back to life i head off the the high school, where i know the doppelganger is to be tonight for senior prank night. i wait patently for the opportunity of her being alone. finally the time comes.

she gasps "Klaus." i all she says

"Your supposed to be dead." i say grabbing on to her arm and walking the opposite direction with her

walking into the gymnasium i use a fake voice "Attention ALL seniors, you have been busted. Senior prank night is officially over." i say

"Ah, i remember you two." i say to the last two remaining people in the gymnasium

"Do we know you?" the girl asks

"Its alright, the last time i was here i wasn't in the right mind." i say before compelling them

"Kluas, you dont have to do this." the doppleganger says

"Oh my dear Elena, but i do." he says

 So, this is my first ever Fan Fiction novel i have ever written. It starts off on the last episode of VD, with some twists in it. like Carolines younger sister comin to live with her and her mom. credit for Carmine Forbes goes to Mkmrockzz for making her happen... The name rebecca is spelled differently, but that is because that is how her name is spelled. exactly how it sounds lol, anyways i give credit for the other charactors from the actual show and books go to L.J. Smith and the writters of the show. I really hope you all like this, i know i do. then again im craxy for VD! its one of my favorite shows. Anyways remember to VOTE&&COMMENT&&FAN!!!


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