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(Please read authors not at the end)

Alayna's P.O.V

I hum to myself as I finish cleaning my room and sigh in exhaustion when I  fall on my neatly made bed. My back arches slightly as I groan in pain and sigh once again as I let myself adjust to my bed. "Alayna!" Elizabeth yells. I groan and roll my eyes before pushing myself up and heading to her room. After a while more of her yelling for me, I finally arrive in her room to see her. She doesn't even give me a second glance before shoving a paper to my face. I grab it and read products needed from the market in the town a couple of miles from here. "You shall grab the items presented on the list." She states the obvious as she does her beautiful make up that she really doesn't need but does make her even more beautiful if that was even possible for a human being. "But the driver is acquainting the queen to a meeting?" I ask her. She shrugs. "So? Walk." She states. My eyes widened but I compose myself. "But your majesty, the market is about ten miles and it looks like a storm is coming." I comment. She glares at me through her mirror. "You shall do as your told slave, or you won't get your pay and you for remember what you're saving up for don't you?" She mocks. I just sigh and was about to say something but a knock on the princess' door interrupts me. "Enter!" She calls. In walks prince Justin and she instantly straightens as do I... As well as I can anyways. "Prince! What brings you too my room?" She asks happily. "Uh, I was wondering if there were any frosting cans, pink if possible?" He asks, his gaze from mine to the princess in the room. She shakes her head, "I'm sorry, I don't think we do... But the girl was just heading into town to the market, she can add it to the list!" She smiles her perfect smile and nods to me. He looks at me and I nod slightly before making a mental note of pink frosting. "Oh? The driver is with the queen though?" He asks. "I'm walking." I smile sarcastically as I grab the pen from my apron that was tied around my waist and add what the king wanted. "Really? I can call my driver and have him take us down town?" He asked. "Us?!" Me and Elizabeth question at he same time. He smiled and nods. "Yes, I would like to accompany you, if that's all right?" He questions me. I just shrug and nod slightly. "Prince, I don't think-" Elizabeth is cut off by the prince. "I will be attending the journey princess." He narrows her eyes. She just sighs and nods. He smiles and nods. "He'll be here in fifteen minutes." He lightly taps the wall before walking out of the beautiful room...

"I don't understand why you wanted to come." I say as I put the last item in the grocery cart and let him push it as we walk over the the cake batter aisle. We go to the frosting section and I watch as he studies all of them. "Why do you even need pink frosting?" I ask. "My little sister is having a birthday this Friday and I always bake the cake and write her name with the frosting." He smiles. "You bake it?" I ask. He smirks as he grabs the can and batter and looks at me before setting the ingredients in the basket. "Oh, just because I'm the future king I can't bake?" He arches an eyebrow. I hold my hands up in mock defense. "Hey you said it not me." I laugh. He chuckles, "Yeah well you're right, wanna know a little secret?" He asks. "Ooh he has secrets too?" He laughs and nods as we walk to the cash register. "I don't really bake the cake... I buy it from the bakery and say I baked it... But I do always write her name with pink frosting." He tosses the can up and catches it before setting it on the register counter. I laugh and shake my head. "Well this year, I can help you bake it? I bet she'll love it if you make her a home made cake by yourself." I shrug and pay for the groceries after arguing with the prince about who's paying and then convincing him to let me pay since it was the royal family's credit card and not mine. We are soon inside the limo and making our way back to the mansion when it begins to rain. I stare out the window and look at the small town and everything we pass by in fascination. Everything always looked better in the rain for some reason. "So when would you like to go out?" A voice shakes me from my thoughts and I am now looking at the prince with a confused face. "What? What do you mean?" I asked. He rolls his eyes playfully. "When will you allow me the honor of taking you out? On a date?" He asks. I just sighed and shake my head. "How about never? I'm sorry prince but like I said before, it's not a good idea for us to do this." I tell him for the millionth time. "Alayna please-" I cut him once we pull up to the mansion. "It's not right." I whisper before covering my head with my hoodie and grabbing the bags and exiting the limo, leaving the future king by himself...

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