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Alayna's P.O.V

I continued to sweep my attic of a room with the old brittle broom that would fall apart any day now.

I sighed as my back began to ache only slightly, just because I was use to these conditions by now.

I had already cleaned what I was supposed to in the palace, so now it was time to try and clean my "room" if that's what you want to call it.

It was literally the basement of the palace, and old small washroom, the oldest, dirtiest, and creakiest room in the whole kingdom, and everybody knew that.

That's why it belonged to me. "The ugliest room to the ugliest girl" is what they would say. And by they, I mean mainly everyone that lived in royalty.

I served the queen and king of France, and their two daughters, Alexis and Elizabeth, who were seventeen and nineteen, and their little brother, Alexander the eighth, who was four and my favorite out of the whole family.

I came from Africa when I was just seven years old, someone had to send money back home.

My father died when I was three and my mother was extremely ill. I have three brothers and two sisters, all of which I loved with all my heart and I knew they loved me.

As soon as I get enough money I will finally be able to return home and go back to the life I both love and miss deeply.

I was sick of caring for royalty, especially when all they did was treat me like crap. And in their eyes, I am.

I sighed as the loud buzzer rang from my "wall" that was really just old peeling wood that was falling apart since forever.

"Hurry and get up here peasant! The prince shall be here any minute and he must be greeted with red wine and the dining table shall be set for all the guest that will be attending in a couple of minutes!"

The queen spat through the intercom. I groaned and set the broom aside and make my way upstairs. I set the dining table and place the silver wear and platters in front of all the seats.

As soon as I finished, the chiming doorbell to the whole palace goes off and I am dismissed by the queen to go into the kitchen and prepare the wine.

I rolled my eyes as Elizabeth and Alexis squeal annoyingly as they push past me and run into the kitchen... right where I needed to be.

I sigh but go in anyways and start to prepare the glasses of wine. I begin to hear multiple voices meaning the king has arrived and so had all the guest.

"Maybe he'll finally ask one of us to be his future queen!" Squealed Alexis along with Elizabeth. They jumped up and down like a bunch of little girls talking about their crush.

"He'll marry one of us and move us over to his palace on the other side of France! It'll be beautiful sister!" Elizabeth squealed this time.

"What about Alayna? She should be the queen because she's nice and pretty!" We all turned around to face the sweet voice that belonged to the one and only, Alexander.

I smiled at him as I pick him up, careful not to wrinkle his suit. The girls scoff. "Yeah right, and then we can all go watch the sky of flying pigs afterwards Alexander!" They both cackle and I shake my head at their evilness.

What did I ever do to them? "Besides she's just a slave." They laughed as they walked out in their beautiful gowns and hair and makeup perfectly done by a stylist for this event.

I closed my eyes tightly but looked down at Alexander and smiled at him. I set him on the counter in front of me so I can fix his tie.

"Your pretty Alayna." He says in his adorable voice as he touched my cheek. I smiled at him. "Thank you baby boy, your very handsome yourself." I whisper as I kiss his head.

"How would you like to help me bake some cookies when this is all over? Perhaps when the others are asleep?" I secretly whisper to him playfully.

His eyes brighten and he nods violently, making him even cuter if that was even possible. "But don't tell anybody." I warned him.

He held a small finger up to his lips signaling that he would stay silent and I smiled. "Go on now, the dinner can't start without you my prince." I bow down to him playfully making him giggle as he hugged my legs then made a run out the doors.

I shake my head and smile at that boy and grab the treys of wine. I make my way out and am greeted by the sight of many many people.

I slowly make my way around the table and set the glasses down in front of each person, purposely poking Alexander in his tummy once as he giggled.

I smile at the sound and finish handing out the glasses, no one knowledges me. I go and grab the last glass, the one for our very special guests, our future king.

As I walk towards him, I notice that his eyes are on me. Watching me intently and I squirm slightly, feeling uncomfortable under his sharp gaze.

I finally make my way over to him and set the glass down carefully in front of him. He gives me a slight smile once his eyes meet mine, "Thanks sweetheart."

And there it was. The first of his many smirks that I would soon come to know quite well.....

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