Chapter Seventeen: Tales of Republic City

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The Tale of Boulder

It was a few days before the Avatars said that the Red Lotus will be attacking the city. Boulder was busy running errands. It was another busy day for him. Ever since the destruction of the walls of Ba Sing Se, a lot has been on his mind. He thinks of his wife and little boys and protecting the innocent families of this city.

He looks upon the armies the White Lotus has managed to build in the past month as he finishes his shift of helping to fortify the city. Looking at the young men and women who volunteered to protect those who could not protect themselves. The scene before him causes him to flash back.

"What is your reason to join the military boy?" the Earth Kingdom general asks Boulder.

"To protect those I care about. Those who can't protect themselves. Those who ask for my help," Boulder answers. His time fighting against the revolts was not easy. He had many near death experiences and feared that he would never return to his, at the time, fiancée.

As the flashback ends he walks away from the White Lotus grounds.  He walks to the marketplace listening to the hustle and bustle of the townspeople, most acting as if there is no danger coming to them in the coming days. He notices many things. Kids playing a game is one of them. As the rubber ball rolls away from the group, Boulder uses his earthbending to allow the ball to roll back towards the kids. They grab it and shout a thank you. He notices a homeless man no younger nor older than himself. He manages to balance all of his belongings on his one arm while he reaches into his pocket to pull out the last of his change. He drops it in the hat of the homeless man. As he does so the homeless man grabs Boulder's hand and thanks him from the bottom of his heart.

Boulder brings home the materials to build up Terra's family's house and food for dinner. Giving the groceries to Lily and the materials to Terrance, he walks out onto the porch. As he looks out into the city from their home he is reminded of peace. He is reminded of Ba Sing Se and his home. He is also reminded that things will never be the same because of the Red Lotus. But even with all these worries, the world as the sun sets over the harbor is at peace. And he remembers how fortunate he is as he goes to play with his sons before he goes off to fight to protect them once again.

The Tale of Bridgette

Bunches of students walk through the academy building carrying books and talking to their friends. Bridgette is no different. As she talks to her friends in the gardens while eating lunch, however, a large cat owl lands near them.

"What is that?" her friend asks.

"It's a cat owl, but they don't live in this part of the world," her other friend informs her. At this the cat owl scoots closer to Bridgette.

"Don't those that live in the poles use them to deliver messages since hawks don't like the cold as much?" her first friend asks.

"You might be right, I think one of the letters is addressed to me guys," Bridgette tells her friends, squinting to look at the letters the cat owl is holding. Suika squeaks at this and flies away from Bridgette.

"Hey wait!" Bridgette calls after it. "I'll see you later guys, I want to go get that letter."

"Bye Bridgette!" her friends call after her. Bridgette swings her backpack onto her shoulder and jogs down the halls following the cat owl. Soon the cat owl lands in an empty classroom. In fact, it is the same classroom where Serefina found out she was an airbender.

"Is that letter for me?" Bridgette asks Suika. In response Suika holds out her leg for Bridgette to untie the letter. "I'll take that as a yes."

Bridgette unties the one letter but as she goes to untie the other pieces of paper, Suika nips at her finger. "Sorry, I guess those aren't for me."

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