Chapter Fourteen: Nadia

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Levi and I continue flying towards the swamp in the plane, while next to us Terra and Serefina are riding on Mizuchi. I have to remember to thank her later for riding with Serefina for me. I really wanted to be alone with Levi. I wanted to see if he would talk about what exactly we are. I really like him, but is now the right time to be getting into a relationship? While I contemplate this and think about what has to be going on the back of the dragon at this very moment, since Terra is kind of scared of Serefina, the plane starts to shake then go down. I grab onto Levi and try and bend the metal of the plane so that it doesn't collapse on us. I think it works since we both seem fairly unharmed from the landing.

"What was that?" Levi asks, helping me out of the plane.

"I thought I saw vines or water or something..." I mumble more to myself than as an answer.

I look around the wreckage. Luckily all of our stuff is still useable and we are unharmed, but the wings of the plane are way too damaged for repairs while we are in the middle of the swamp.

"Where do you think Serefina and Terra are?" I ask Levi, trying to look up. He shields his eyes from the little sunlight that is leaking through the foliage.

"I think we have bigger problems," Levi says, putting an arm in front of me to try and protect me.

I glare at him for a millisecond, cause we both know I can handle myself, but I do find it sweet. I look in the same direction as him, then all around us. Enough people to form a small tribe surround us. That's when I realize who took down our plane.

"Oh my gosh! Swamp benders! I have always wanted to study your waterbending styles," I exclaim, my inner fangirl coming out.

"Where did you get that plane?" a man who seems to the chief elder asks.

"We stole it from a group of bad guys," Levi answers.

"We don't get many visitors and even fewer who don't mean harm to the swamp. Those that do mean harm always use such technology," the elder informs us.

"I am sorry. We meant no harm to the swamp. In fact, we came seeking its spiritual guidance," I tell the entire tribe.

"I can sense you are telling the truth. Tell me, what do you need guidance in?" the chief asks.

"Honestly there is a lot to explain," I say, rubbing my arm.

Its not that I don't trust the swamp benders but ever since I found out my parents were Red Lotus members I realized anyone might be.

"If you can make it to the center tree's largest branch, I will assist you personally," the chief tells Levi and I.

Levi and I nod our heads glad that they didn't attack us. The chief seems to disappear but the rest of the swamp benders are trying to remove the remains of the crashed plane.         

"Do you need any help?" I ask them.

"What can you do?" the random swamp bender asks.

"What do you need done?" I reply.

Levi and I spend about an hour helping them remove the metal parts so they don't disrupt the ecosystem. During that time, they found out I was a waterbender and offered to show me some swamp bending moves. I graciously accepted.

Levi and the swamp benders who were not showing me the moves to bend the water inside of plants finished cleaning up about 25 minutes ago.

"Nadia, I know you are having a good time, but we should start looking for the tallest branch or our friends," Levi tells me.

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