Chapter Six: Nadia

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"I have no intention of hiding," Serefina says.

"Listen, Serefina. We are in this together which means it isn't always what you think is best," Terra answers nervously. "We need to make a plan that we all agree on." I can tell she is excited that she gets to go on an adventure, but neither of us thought it would include being on the run from a airbender and who knows who else.

"Guys, we just need to get out of the city until we can figure out what to do," I suggest to the group.

"Nadia is right," Levi adds agreeing with me.

"Fine then, where should we go though?" Serefina asks.

"We don't know who in the city we can trust and now everyone will be looking for us," Levi points out.

"I have an idea, lets get out of the city then decide what we want to do!" I whisper shout.

"Fair point, everyone on Mizuchi," Serefina tells us. As everyone is getting on and putting the supplies on the dragon, I call for Suika.

"Suika!" I whisper into the night sky.

"Who is she calling for?" I hear Serefina ask Terra.

"Her pet cat owl," Tara answers, sliding the rest of the stuff onto the dragon.

Suika lands on the back of my pack and we both climb on. Soon everything is packed and everyone is on the back of Mizuchi.

"So where exactly are we going?" Serefina asks again.

"Just to the forest outside of the city. As long as we are in Earth Kingdom Territory we should be fine," I tell them.

"Speaking of earthbending, when are you going to start learning, Nadia?" Terra asks me. Serefina turns her head a little so she can see my reaction without completely messing up steering our ride.

"I don't know. We can think about that when we land and figure out who is after us," I offer up. I still couldn't believe that I was the Avatar, well half the Avatar. But after all that has happened it was hard to deny the fact.

After my response everyone nods but stays quiet. Serefina continues to look for a place where Mizuchi can land. It is about twenty minutes later that we start our decent.

"Okay, so should we set up camp?" Levi asks.

"What else would we do?" Serefina comments under her breath while tossing a pack at Levi.

"So this is what is going to be like from now on," Terra says laying on her already set-up mat looking at the sky.

"We should get a fire going," I comment.

"I got that covered," Serefina says creating a small flame and lighting the wood on fire.

"I'll admit, forgot we had a firebender for a second," I add.

"So fire is your natural element, right Serefina? Cause you seemed pretty good at air too," Terra comments sitting around the fire.

"Yeah, natural element is fire. And I'd just found an old scroll for air and tried out the moves. I just had to relax and be more calm to shoot air instead of fire," Serefina explains in simple terms.

"Cool! So Nadia, are you going to look for an earthbending master?" Terra asks me.

"Well, you graduated from the earthbending program in Republic City, why don't you teach me?" I ask my cousin, a small smile on my face.

"Wait, really? I get to be the earthbending master for the Avatar?! Well, half the Avatar," Terra says excitedly then sheepishly looking at Serefina. "But honestly, it wouldn't hurt finding an actual master. I didn't complete the program before we had to go on the run, plus I've never taught anyone."

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