Awkward Moments

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Awkward Moments

By Coco

Everyone has had their awkward moments in life. These are the times which make our lifes so effen hilarious. The time when we want to run away from our stupidity acts. When we wish to hide under a rock for eternity. When we wish to be invisible. When we wish to have had a bat to hit our heads repeatively. When we feel like microorganisms being stomped on. When our faces' turn to the most utter shade of maroon. Those awkward moments are the ones that remain implanted in our brains forever.




So hey guys I had like this AWESOME idea, when don't I?, lol ignore that. So I was wondering.............if you guys like to me to post any of your personal Awkward moments, just pm me and tell me if you want to remain anonymous.

Tankz :)

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