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It's been over twenty years since I was on the run with Milly and Becca and Alex and Reba and Andrew. In that long, two decades things have changed rapidly. Everyone was released, and I reunited with mom and Todd, and Lilly. Andrew got back together with his mom, my mom's sister and my aunt, and Milly, with her mom, who my mom is related to through marriage. Aunty was never really my aunt, we're not even related, she was just a random person who was willing to adopt someone with a vague background.
     Mivera and Gweniver and Samuel's descendants all merged, becoming one community. Everyone's cultures mixed, creating new, interesting styles and many other creations.
     Reba and Alex married, (remember: back when this generation was just starting, they had some weird medicine in which made relatives not had the same DNA so they could continue to reproduce, making them related and not at the same time) Milly being the Maid of Honor, Becca and I being bridesmaids, and Andrew being the Best Man. They had three kids; May, June, and Denny.
     Andrew married Rose. Or to be more accurate, bugged and bugged and bugged her with proposal, until she eventually excepted, and that was the end of the matter. They adopted a kid named Percy, and got two pigs (Pork and Chop), three goats (Chicken, Low, and Maine) and one cat (Fred).
     I married her brother, Zac. We had five kids; Jesse, Beth, Eva, Lauren, and Byron. My oldest, Byron, is twelve, and my youngest, Jesse, is three.
     It was Lauren's birthday today, my middle child, turning eight, and has a party at the blue house where my mom raised me for a few years. Lilly is here, with her fiancé, my old neighbor from when I lived in Town, his name is Syd. Becca and Milly, also Todd's fiancé, is hosting the party. Rose, Andrew, Percy, Chop, Pork, Fred, Low, Main, and Chicken are all here, and so is Reba and Alex and their kids. I built a house a few miles away from the blue house by the river. My backyard is the place where we first camped when we were trying to find the house and unlock it.
     We just cut the cake and served it when I slipped out for some fresh air. The thought that this day, twenty-something years ago, at approximately this time, Andrew, Milly, Reba, Alex, Becca, and I were standing on this exact porch, trying to figure out how to get in, is astonishing. It blows my mind to even think about it. I sat on the steps, remembering back to the day where we crossed the river. Just as I was thinking about when Andrew threw himself at the door, the screen door squeaked open.
     I turned around and out filed Andrew, Becca, Milly, Reba, and Alex, all of them sitting or squatting down beside me. "Can you believe that twenty five years ago at this time we first discovered this house? This was when we were so close to finishing our quest, we stood on this exact porch in this very spot and wondered how to get in." I thought openly with them. "Yah, twenty five years ago," Andrew jumped in. "We were all just a bunch of misfits on the run, trying to figure out why we were considered that."
     We sat there for a few more minutes, listening to the birds chirp and wind blow, listening to the water ripple over rocks not so far away.
     "Well, I'm gonna go and eat some cake and ice cream before those savages you all call your sons and daughters finish it off. To-da-loo!" Andrew inturupted the silence. He got up and skipped to the door. He threw it open and screamed at the kids as he passed over the threshold "Hey! Ain't nobody gets seconds until I get some!"
     "I'm gonna go too." Alex stood up and went inside, Becca and Reba following. Milly stayed out on the porch with me. "You ready to go in? I want cake but I don't want to seem selfish and leave you out here." I nodded and stood up. Together we walked in side, me pausing and looking at the door, the porch and the river one last time.
     "Twenty five years ago," I repeated. "We were all just a bunch of misfits trying to figure out why we were considered that."

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