Part 8

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Before I knew it I was being escorted out of the room by guards. I was thrown in an empty room all by myself to wait for something to happen.

It felt like I had been in that stupid room for hours, I was so bored. I didn't dare make any noise or do anything, I didn't know what they were trying to accomplish, or who 'they' even are. Finally, someone came to retrieve me.
     I was brought in front of someone. They had plain, generic clothes with no color pop. He had pale blue sad eyes and was bald headed. I stood in front of him, staring right into his eyes. He held my gaze.
     "This is the girl?" He asked, his voice sounded familiar. "Yes sir. Here she is. That's the one that crashed the program and bent our neurotransmitters and threw our tubes on the ground." "You're that guy in the dark office! The Boss!" I proclaimed, it just hit me then who this guy really is. "You're SAMUEL!!!" He looked at me sideways. "How do you know who I am?" "You're the one from the story, the one who created this horrible kind that we have to fit in with!" "Is that so?" "Yep!" I felt triumphant that I figured it out.
     "Well, be happy while you can, we'll have to kill you soon enough." "What?!" "Yes, you're too powerful and rebellious not to. We've had this program going on since we found your kind. But you're the only one to ever outwit and crash our systems. Every Levi and Jackson descendant we've ever caught was on the program, and you just waltz in here and crash it. We'll kill you first in front of all of your family, then we'll reboot the system." I wonder how many others they have captured. I wonder who'll I'll get killed in front of. "You can't just kill me! If I remember from the story you were always such a handsome and practical man, still handsome now. I'm sure we can work something out?"
     "Flattery won't work on me, Becky. And just for that, your execution will be in a few hours now. Chop chop! Send her back to her waiting area so we can prepare for the execution. You are dismissed!" "What?! No! Please sir, I-" I was cut off by the guards grabbing me by the arms and dragging me away. The last thing I heard was Samuel making a mental list of things to do. "Oh, which way should I kill her? There are so many options. Shoot, hanging, decapitation, no one's gotten tarred and feathered lately. No, never mind on that, too messy."

Each second dragged on like an hour. You have no idea how much anxiety it gives you to wait out your own death sentence in a plain white room. Eventually, they came for me. "Carry me!" I state. The guards look at me funny. "If I'm gonna arrive to my death, I might as well not have to walk to it. Now carry me!" One in the front shrugged and they all came over and hoised me up. I was carried away, laying down on everyone's hands and shoulders like a bed.
     They carried me into a huge room full of people, and up to a stage. They threw me on the ground, making me stand up on my own. I was instructed on what to do. "Put your legs apart." I put my legs at shoulder's length. "Now put your hands above your hand." I rested my hands on my head, and the guard readied the gun. "Wait," Samuel stopped him and came towards me, and examined my birthmark. "What the. . . It can't be, in all my years, I never would've thought. . ." Samuel muttered to himself and shook his head. "What, it's just a birth mark." "No it's not. It's a present I gave Mivera a long time ago." Every stared at him. I realised everyone in the crowd was shackled so they couldn't do anything. Right up front was Lilly, Andrew, and two new people I almost didn't recognize: mom and Todd. I can't believe it, Samuel made my closest family have front row seats to my death. That. . . cheese curd!
     "What the story doesn't say is how madly in love Mivera and I were. When that guy came and invaded and ruined everything, Mivera and I were separated. On our last night together, we got those tattooed into our arms. Back when we were only children, we made up a secret symbols and meanings. ¶ means together forever and ever, it was our calling card. We used to write each other notes and that was how we would sign our name. After we were separated, that stuff they made us take made us and exact replica of our parents. Meaning all of her kids  got that tattoo and their kids got it as well. Then they tried mixing one of Gweniver offspring with Mivera's. That's how Gwen's offspring got them. But mine didn't. They took after their mother." Wow. I had no idea this plain, old man had something for my kinds' creator, or that she had something for him.
     Samuel covered and rubbed his eyes. "I'm sorry about my attitude, I can't keep it together." He wiped his eyes on his sleeve and sucked it up. "Now, if you could kill her faster that would be great." He got up and walked away.
     I looked at the ground, not facing anyone, waiting for life to be over. Then the door burst open. "Let her go. Now." It was Rose's voice! I glanced up and there, standing at the door, was an army of brunettes and rainbow haired freaks, my family. Rose leading, Milly and Alex and one side, Becca and Reba on the other, all the others behind her. Samuel turned around and stared Rose down. "I said, let her go, you pile of goat crap," Rose told him again. "And what would you do if I didn't?" There was a loud, sudden bang and Samuel dropped to the floor, dead. "I would probably, 9 out of 10 times, do that." All the guards looked at them, stunned. "Who's next?" The army all cocked their guns at the exact same time. Rose looked around.
     "Anyone, anyone at all? Please? It won't be a bullet wasted. Nobody? Oh, okay."

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