Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Meet my Dad

Beep Beep Beep

Great, time for another fucked up day. I turned off my alarm, threw my blankets aside, got out of bed, and walked to my bathroom. Looking in the mirror, I saw my reflection, mocking me. I looked down at my arms and saw the scars lined up like pieces of broken string. Before walking out of the bathroom, I punch my mirror. It didn't shatter, but left a few cracks in the glass and sliced my palm open. I wash off the blood and wrap it in gauze.

I walk to my closet to decide what to wear. I found a pair of dark jeans with rips and a black Sleeping with Sirens shirt. I sluggishly threw them on and grabbed my bag from beside my desk. Reaching in my drawer, I felt for a small, black ring box  and shoved it in my bag before finally heading downstairs.

I try my best not to make too much noise in the morning because my dad usually isn't awake yet and I try and keep it that way.

I walk over to the fridge and opened it only to find nothing. 

"No breakfast for the third day in a row," I mumbled to myself. I sighed then closed the fridge door. I turned around and 'BOOM!' I still had my bag on and when I tuned around it knocked my algebra book from the counter to the floor. Shit! I thought, What have I done?

A door down the hall was thrown open and out came my dad.

"Who the hell do you think you are, waking me up at 6:30 in the goddamn morning?!" He screamed.

"I'm sorry. It was an accident. Please, just go back to bed".

My dad stepped closer to me and with a swift movement of his hand, I was on the ground with a stinging pain in my cheek. He grinned before heading back to his room. "Have a good day at school!" he yelled before slamming the door.

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