Chapter 1 - New Beginnings

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Chapter 1 - New Beginnings.

Anya's P.O.V

"Mum, dad. You can't do this to me!" I screamed. There is no way that I am going to let them ruin my life.

My mum, Eleanor, sighed."Sweetie, we are not doing anything to you. You were the one who wanted to go to university and it would be easier if we lived closer to the campus."

"Yeah well my whole life is here. My friends...ummm, the shopping mall---"

"You see this is what I mean." explained my dad, Henry. "There isn't much here. Today, we're moving somewhere where there is so much more that you can be occupied with. Plus don't you want to have a shorter journey to your university? It makes things easier."

I hate it when my dad's right. Ugh. I don't want to leave my friends; they are like a part of me, the best part of me. You know like the Katy Perry song Part of me.

How can you let go of something like that?

"Plus sweetie you'll make new friends--" my mum says.

"No mum. That's where you're wrong. I like my friends. In fact I love them. You can't just replace them. Friendship doesn't work like that"

"Well you kids have that Skip thing of yours that you can communicate through."

" you mean Skype, mum?"

"Yes, skop that's it, skop. Weird name."

"No mum. Skype."

"Oh kids."

My mum has no idea how to use technology and she doesn't have the intention to either. The other day I wanted to make her a Facebook because I said she needed to get a life. First she said "watch your mouth" and then she said "and why would I want a book about faces for? That's rather stupid".

Yeah, she's serious.

I told her to poke someone and she said to me "Why would I want to poke someone. That's like cyber bullying and you know I don't stand for bullying sweetie."

So when I saw that that wasn't working, I tried twitter. I told her to make a tweet and she actually tweeted. My mum is literally useless with tech. It will take a genius to help her.

"Alright, we need to leave now, the removal truck is loaded and ready to go." said dad.

"Yes, lets go." yelled my brother, Alex.

"Do you have to yell like that, idiot."

"Just because i'm your twin brother, doesn't mean you have the right to talk to me like that. Remember, I am older than you." Yes, Alex is my twin brother. I don't think he looks like me though. I'd hate to think he did. He was born only 2 minutes before me and he wont let it go. Sometimes he really does annoy me but I guess he's cool...sometimes. Don't tell him I said that.

"When will you just let that go?" I asked, frustrated.


"Ugh. Wait, dad we can't go now. I haven't said goodbye to my friends, my beloved ones."

"You're such a drama queen" remarked Alex. I didn't ask for his dumb opinion.

"Alright sweetheart. Make it quick."

I went over to the front of our car and called everyone I knew and had a group call. "Kim, Tammy, Vannessa and Rebecca. Get your arses down here now. I'm leaving today and you may never see me again for as long as you live. It's a matter of life and death." Yeah, maybe I am a drama queen but so what?

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